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I think its probably a really great game.

In short, i think it has a lot of potential, but at this state its pretty confusing and Hard, maybe its just me.

But i have some points that make it really difficult to play.

First thing, when you play in Fullscreen the game just ignores the blue light filter of windows, this is really eye straining for people who got it activated normally (i Have it on like 80%)

Secondly, i think the riddles are a bit confusing, you need a good example of concept before giving the player the riddles.

In the starting desert, i felt like i couldn't do most riddles because IDK how. I got 2 Violet Pillars, one with slime and one with a pot, IDK what to do with them. Also 2 Violet pillars with 3 empty squares, same here idk what to do, i don't think you can use Items of your inventory to place them? And the hardest part in the water was to see the flying shards and to be able to let the shells sink to the ground, but having no idea what for and if i miss something else.

The Minigame seems pretty hard (or I'm pretty bad) but i tried to play the minigame like most "Connect" games, i could kill a goblin, but the zombie was to tough). Also i could not get used to how they changed, so most of the time i just choose 2 tiles to switch.

Thank you!

This is a very old demo that does have many flaws, the vast majority of which have been fixed in the newest patreon build, released just a few days ago. This current one was more of a proof of concept really ^^

A new public demo will be released in a few months, but it's patreon only currently!

ran into an issue where my crappy bluetooth headphones would cut out, then reconnect but for some reason the sound on the game wouldn't start back up when they reconnected. When I went to save, the clock just kept going faster and faster but wouldn't save. I have only ever experienced this issue when my sound would cut out otherwise I wouldn't think the two were connected. I guess this is a version 7 issue.

Sadly unplugging/replugging headphones can cause the sound to stop playing, to my understanding this is a GameMaker issue that I don't have any control over...

The clock spinning forever bug has been fixed in newer builds though! I recommend playing on the latest one (V11) which was released just at the beginning of this month ^^

In any case, thank you for reporting this ^^

There is one thing i will say this game: I.LOVED.IT.

And no - i'm not exaggerating, i'm not making it up or anything. This was actually such an amazing experience. And i can say for sure - my expectations were, god damn, subwerted.

I honestly didn't expect much of it at first: "Another BE game, nothing special". But man, was i wrong! Character design, cutesy graphics, neat dialogues, such a nice attention to detail and more. It's obvcious how much love and passion was put into it. All these little details (just like i love), puzzles and secrets. So cool. And even though sometimes said puzzles feel a bit TOO complicated - it's still a nice feeling to try and solve them. Who knows, maybe i'll "wisen up" at some point and will come back to solve them. Combat is as unique as you can get too - i've never seen anything like that before, so i was uh... let's just say "confused". But that's probably a ME issue.

Oh oh oh! Almost forgot!

COMBAT OST! Man, the soundtrack during a fight is FIRE! First few seconds i was thinking "Man, it's not that bad..." and just in about a minute i was nodding my head to the beat! "Baaaaaam~ Pa-ba-da-ba Baaaaaam~ Pa-ba-da-ba ---- Bda-pa-pa-pa-da-pa-pa-bap -- Bda-pa-pa-da-pa Ba-badabum!" IT'S INSIDE MY HEAD FOREVER! I love how jolly and energetic it is! Pumps up your mood much better than you would've thought. "Ta-ta-ta-ta-" - okay, enough.

But, yes. Even though i absolutely love this game (and already added it to my steam "wishlist")... I can't deny that there are few issues:

1) TURORIAL. Man, was i banging my head against the wall for around 10 minutes, trying to figure out how the hell I am suposed to deal damage. Yes - it IS possible that some of it was on me and my lack of brain, but just in case - it may be a good idea to look into this issue.

2) LEVELING UP AND EVOLVING. So... I love chalanges. I usually don't farm stuff and prepare for battles, but instead just rush to the next enemy. By the time i beat final boss i was level... 11? 10? Something like that. So imagine my surprise when i coma back to "Evovle" and see that i'm requiered LEVEL 20. I'm barely half way there! (IMPORTNANT - i didn't lose once, so all my progression was as it would be if you don't farm) So i had to sit there and farm all these monsters for a whole hour... Result was worth it, but it was NOT a pleasant experience.  Maybe lower requierements? Or rework them in some way? 

3) EMEMIES TOO MUCH/NOT ENOUGH. Also a pretty annoying issue when you try to simply solve puzzles, or are on your way home. "I don't have time or energy to fight you, you silly LVL1 Goblin!". Losing is not an option - you lose levels. Running is not an option too - enemy is BLOCKING your path. So you HAVE to fight - and it's not always what you want to do. Here also comes lack of enemies when trying to level up (did i say that a solid 25% of my time on lvling up was wasted on simply walking around and searching for foes to fight?). There has to be a way to ALWAYS find a fight when you need one, but NEVER fight if you have something else to do. How? I'm not game dev, why asking me? You silly goose...

Khe-khe... Wow, that was a lot of text, huh? I hope you uh... won't get tired of reading it. Last thing: good luck with your project. It's filled with love, genuine care and talent, it's so... beautiful to see. I'm waiting for an open beta and even more for a paid release on steam. "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!" - as one ginger man said. Love to all of you, guys <3

With love - from me. 

Oh, thanks a lot!
I'm glad you enjoyed the game this much! ^^

And from the looks of it, the version you played is the old demo too! There have been some massive changes (including an actual story), and every complaint you have have since been fixed (though there's always room for imrpovement of course). The newest build is available on Patreon only for now ($1) and I'm planning to have a public build released in a few months. You can expect a bunch of new excellent tracks too ^^

Thank you again!

Owww, that's great! And based on waht i've seen so far - i don't think there is a reason to doubt that it'll turn out PERFECT.

But how few are "few months"? 2? 3? Or should we be waiting for it to release next yaer?

Thank you too, kind gentleman!

I'm aiming for it to be ready within 2024! I don't have a date, but that's the plan ^^

(4 edits) (+1)(-1)

I'm not sure where to go to ask this but is there any way to skip the pyramid scene? I have no idea how to fight the monster there and it takes forever to get through the cutscene leading up to it. It's incredibly frustrating. If it doesn't exist in the game, I think the ability to skip incredibly long cutscenes like this would be great for repeat playthroughs since I really have no desire to go through that pyramid conversation again before trying the monster again. Aside from that I've been really enjoying the game so far and I love how polished the art is. The fact that I've been enjoying the game so much is what makes being stuck in the pyramid so painful for me, I don't want my playthrough to end there.


Sorry I wasn't able to answer this sooner, I just noticed you tried asking on Patreon yesterday!

I did actually just add a secret command to accelerate this specific sequence in the new build that came out today! Pressing Enter + Middle click (the same that is used to skip cutscenes) once you get control of Vuu will increase her speed. Saves are not transferrable from V10 to V11, but I think it might be worth restarting for this one if you stopped there.

I'm glad you're enjoying it, and sorry you got stuck at that scene! I actually want to expand on the festival scene before that which will teach you how to use charged shots (hold right click), which is how you can defeat the monster. Charged shot at the head, attack while it's weakened, and so on.

If you really can't beat it, there is also a debug mode you can use. Debug mode is explained here
Basically, you'd have to toggle it on (left shift + enter + F2), press F9 in exploration, scroll up until #17, then click the scarecrow to activate that cutscene and continue from right after the fight. I would recommend toggling debug mode off after the cutscene.

So yeah, sorry about that, it will be improved in a future build! And thank you! ^^


Thanks for the response! I can tell you've worked really hard on this game and I wouldn't be voicing my frustrations with it if I didn't think you had something great. I'll give the game another shot.

Great game, it was hard to learn at first how to play and the puzzles were some times annoying (like having a crystal that was hard to grab) but I got better at it!

Thank you!

Clearer explanations and a new hint system are actually what I've been working on this month! I'm sure these will make the game less overwhelming ^^

Quick suggestion: can we get an even bigger warning for the point of no return when finishing the first town's plot? There's stuff I need to go back and do there, but the game's making it sound like we only go back there in the endgame, or maybe never, plus if I had known the next save point was like half an hour away and the next town is about 3 hours of gameplay away, I would've farmed a few more things and finished crafting before leaving.


Will do!
I'll make it more clear ^^

hey can you redo the whole walkthrough? like post videos and add pictures to it? also when are you expected to release the whole game? its really good

Thank you! I don't have a date for the full game, but I'm planning to release a public demo sometime this year.

As for the walkthrough, it's not actually written by me, but by a friend! Some parts will sadly become outdated for some time as progress is being made on the game.

okay well i hope there is a great rate of success coming your way! I also hope you can complete this game sometime next year

Thank you very much!

I'm afraid it's going to take a few more years, but I'll never give up on it, you can count on that ^^

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