BE Witches - NEW DEMO!!!

It is finally, FINALLY HERE!

It took a long time and a lot of work, but the newest BE Witches demo is now publicly released!

Thank you so much to everyone who supported me this far. There is still work left, but this is an incredible milestone for me ^^

If you haven't played any of the Patreon build, prepare for a massive, massive update!
I hope you'll have a lot of fun playing it!!!  ^^



BE Witches - 403 MB
70 days ago

Get BE Witches


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(1 edit)

I have a problem that makes it i cant play the game its a shadder problem with an item glow i duno what that means but i cant play the game like at all is it comon or its only me

Worth the wait.

Will my save transfer from the last demo I played or will i have to fail to do all the puzzels for the 3rd time I wonder...

Cant wait! Love this project even after all these years <3

Sweet! Do we have new bigger girls? :3

did you look at the rank 5 ghost its a shock.