Good game. I approve. Sad part it's I can't delete the save to restart the game and enjoy again. F95zone saying "it's too hard" and "no nudity" are just horny people. Subscribing to Patreon right now, I want to play the next update.
Yeah, currently the only way to delete the save is to go to AppData/Local and deleting the BE_Witches_20_08_2020 folder. That'll change soon with the new update though! ^^
I have an issue with the 2020 demo that I'm hoping can be resolved, if you can find the time. Or maybe you fixed it already.
I use two monitors, and I run the game in Fullscreen with Alt+Enter. It runs fine, except for one annoying interaction: When my mouse goes off the right side of the window, it goes to my other monitor, so if I'm not careful in a Shapes fight, I might accidentally click on my Discord window, minimizing the game and causing me to most likely get hit a bunch. I can tell that in windowed mode the cursor is properly locked to the window, but as of that build it wasn't properly working for fullscreen. I can't test if it works in reverse without mucking around a bunch in my display settings because it fullscreens to primary monitor.
That all having been said, excited to see what comes of the new demo this month! I'm very seriously considering pledging to see what's new. At any rate, best of luck with the next step of the game!
That's been fixed! The cursor now locks to the game screen properly when in fullscreen with a multiscreen setup. A few other cursor related issues have been fixed too, like one that would cause the cursor to drift in some cases ^^
Thank you very much! I'm very excited to finally share something too :B
Sadly steam has to make the game inaccessible in germany. Is it possible to aquire a key by supporting you on patreon? i havent seen any options like it
The game isn't actually out on Steam yet! It's just an empty page for now. There will be a new Patreon exclusive demo on September 30th though, and a public one later sometime in 2024. That public demo will also be on Steam. If I ever learn about the game being unavailable in some countries then, I'll look into doing what you said or something similar ^^
I just finished the demo (defeating the final boss until the monsters are all as big as they can get and I reached max amplitude for the main characters), and I just wanna say that this game was absolutely awesome. I would love to keep playing, so PLEASE keep the updates coming. I hope that this is only the beginning of the embiggening!
Was wondering on how big you guys plan to have the growth go in this? Like is the max size in the current demo the final size or do you plan on going bigger? Maybe even hyper sizes?
There will be one additional 6th rank in the final game yes! As for hyper sizes, it depends on the character. A few will get hyper sizes, a bunch will get to a massive size without getting into hyper territory, and some will be a bit smaller than that. But all will be various amounts of huge, basically ^^
if some one will answer i would be very pleased. i did not read most of the game and im stuck in the first island and i dont know how to rank up and i was hoping for a answer as for i just made my account (btw i have gotten very good and i find the concept hard to understand but thats what i like in a game! i was left think to myself for a while but then i got the handle of things! also im very lazy and dont like to read and i think thats why im lost)
sorry for being chatty but i happen to love the nightmare boss fight! it was hard and this is the first game i did not beat in 1 go so far! i get all bosses done with out restarting any of the bosses but i found myself losing! i will be coming back to this game as many updates as there are to come!
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the game ^^ I don't know if you figured it out, but you can rank up at the big red crystal in town. Also here's a link to the walkthrough in case you need it:
I'm enjoying what we've gotten so far, I admittedly find myself wondering if ranks will go above five :p But I find myself wanting to reset my progress, how might I go about doing that?
Edit; Nevermind, I've so far figured out you can delete the save file by deleting the game's named folder from the Appdata/Local folder
All the cheat version does is letting you rank up at the big red crystal without having to gather power orbs. It might also have every alchemy recipe unlocked but it's been a while, so I'm not sure. Everything else is the same!
Is there something I'm missing, or do the items Fairy Dust and whatever the third item for the Goblin is just have ridiculously low drop rates? I've gone as far as getting over 100 combo and getting as many of the energy symbols as possible when I fight those enemies but I've only gotten fairy dust once, and have never gotten the third item in the Goblin loot table. And are there specific codes that can be used to fight specific enemies in the room with the 4 switches, or does it just summon a random enemy when you enter the wrong code? And is the tea set not possible to complete in the demo? I've got all of the parts except for the plate and the pot, but have no recipes or drop locations for those two items.
They shouldn't be excessively rare, you might have gotten bad luck. I realize farming can be a bit of a pain in this demo, but there will be systems to facilitate it in the next one.
No, the wrong code just summons a random enemy. Being able to summon a speific enemy in some way is a cool idea though, I'll keep that in mind!
Thank you, the walk-thru was very helpful. I actually got the stretchy bra the very next fight after I found the recipe that uses it. Still haven't gotten a lot of fairy dust, though. And being able to target-farm certain enemies would certainly make farming materials a lot less annoying.
I don't have a precise date, but the next update will be Patreon only and will come out in August at best, or in September at worst. A public update will come out later after more work has been done, but I have no release window for that one (probably in 2024 though).
Is there a settings page by any chance or is that a limitation of playing on the portable version? Also are there any differences between the installed and portable versions?
Edit: I've installed the game instead and checked the game folder in AppData/Local but I don't see a settings.ini file, interestingly enough.
There are some settings you can access in game by opening the inventory (trilobite button to the left of the map), and then clicking on the "settings" tab in the top right. And no, the portable and the installer version should be the same!
As for the settings.ini file, it will only be created after the game is launched. That may be why you didn't see it ^^
I got a question, how do I restart my game? and please be specific, I am not exactly a Tec Wiz.
also is the full version or at least another demo coming out soon, I just noticed that while the comment section is still active its been almost 2 years since there's been an update on this page specifically.
There will be an easy way to delete your save file in the next demo, but for now you'll have to do it manually by going to AppData/Local and deleting the BE_Witches_20_08_2020 folder. You could try using windows key + R, type %appdata% and confirming to access the appdata folder, but if that doesn't work you should be able to easily look for more info on that online.
A new demo is coming out soon-ish, I've been posting public devlogs on Patreon regularly. The end of this one in particular might interest you:
Can someone please create a chart or something to explain how the color combination system works? I can understand primary and secondary colors just fine, but my colorblindness starts kicking in around the tertiary color level, making it impossible for me to tell what is going on with the colors. so a chart explaining how the colors interact (i.e. combine shard w with pellet x will result in shard y (and pellet z for some combinations). I'm finding the game incredibly unfun whenever the color combination system comes into play due to my colorblindness.
There are no tertiary colors! When you mix a primary and secondary color, they simply get swapped. I've linked the color guide below, you can find it in Vuu's house but it's not the most obvious thing, I'll fix that in the next demo.
The symbols you see here each correspond to a color and are also on the shards and on the pellets, but please tell me if any in particular are hard to see for you, both in this guide and in game, so I can fix this!
Additionally, Vuu will tell you what color a shard/pellet is if you left click on it. Hope that helps! ^^
oh, it's printer colors. I was thinking standard red/yellow/blue, which makes colors like cyan tertiary colors (blue + blue + yellow). but if it's printer colors then I think I can get the hang of it, just have to remember how they work again. but thank you for re-posting the sheet. I'll probably download this so I can have it in another window when I need it.
No, you have to do it manually by going to AppData/Local and deleting the BE_Witches folder. Sorry about that, there will be an easy way to delete your save file in the next demo!
I don't know if there's any meaningful point in bug reporting when a new demo is coming out Soon™, but my game on 20 08 2020 is crashing when I attempt to save.
That's so weird, I've never heard of this... It's possible that I've fixed this bug as a side effect of working on whatever else since then, but I'll look into it. Thank you for reporting it!
And sorry... You might be able to play again by erasing your save file in AppData\Local\BE_Witches_20_08_2020, but it might just crash again... Though, do you remember at what point exactly the game crashed? Right as you clicked on the save circle, or after a small delay maybe?
It will just crash again on-save, I've confirmed that much.
As for when it happens, it seems to crash at the very end of the save animation- if I were to extrapolate from my layperson intuition of the error code, something in the slowdown effect might have caused an error to happen while saving and corrupted the save file, which would cause another crash on load attempt. That's my theory, anyway. Whatever's causing it, it's consistent between both versions of the game that I have. It's odd because I remember having played without much issue in the past.
Something interesting- the save file is definitely corrupt. I checked my save directory and the text in the save file that's in there is only 89 characters long, as compared to a 195.8k character backup file that's also in the directory.
I'm going to attempt a fresh install and see if something weird happened to my local copy of the game. I'll wipe the appdata folder too just in case. I'll keep the older version as-is just in case there's something useful in that appdata folder for bug-hunting, since it's suffering from the same issue.
Good news! The reinstall did fix it. Whether it was the reinstall, the appdata folder wipe, or the combination of the two, I don't know.
Thanks for all your hard work on the game! Hoping the new demo and the eventual full release live up to the potential this original 2020 demo shows in abundance. =D
Now I have a question, how do you replay the nightmare? I accidentally sold the game before and reinstalled it, but I don’t know where to put the save file, so I can’t do it again...I’m stuck...
I use a translator, and if the words don't convey the meaning, I will describe them in detail.
I was hoping to release it in 2022, but it was more work than I expected... All I can say is that it will take another few months. There will be a Patreon exclusive version first, and a public release later!
This is... honestly a game I wouldn't have tried normally. But was searching on a lark and tried it for laughs. This has throughly surprised me on how charming and fun the game is, as well as how the world is unique in a way I don't see in RPGs too often. I ain't even in it for the BE anymore. I just want to see Vuu become a great Knight now. Super cool, will check out the final version when I can!
I've just finished playing the base demo (aka I got to the screen that says thanks for playin') and gonna play through the new game+.
I love this game! It's got so many cool concepts and ideas that really draw you in! Not to mention, the reward of BE is a great one indeed! I can't wait for the full game! Keep me posted!
Also, three quick questions:
1. There seems to be a glitch in my version of the game where the mouse constantly drifts diagonally up and left. I worked around it and I managed, but is there a way to fix it?
2. Will the different sizes be reflected in their base character sprites? (i.e. running around, idle, laughing, etc.)
3. Do the main two characters in the demo have all 5 stages yet, or are those going to be saved for the final game? (So far I have two power orbs)
1. That's an annoying bug yeah, it will be fixed in the next version. It has to do with the resolution of your screen, and sadly the best I have for this current version is to fiddle with the resolution or the fullscreen settings and cross your fingers. There is a chance that your cursor will get stuck in a corner of your screen by doing that though, in which case you'll have to close the game and reset the settings by going to AppData\Local\BE_Witches_20_08_2020 and either editing settings.ini yourself, or simply deleting it (a new default one will be created once you reopen the game). Sorry about that...
2. Yes! They will eventually be.
3. They have 5 unlockable ranks in the demo, and there will be a 6th one in the final game ^^
I tried really hard to make it happen in 2022, but I severely underestimated the amount of work sadly... So 2023 it is. I'm currently almost done adding cutscenes, and I still need to add new rooms after that, plus a few other things.
The next update will be on Steam yes, but as a free demo! The one after that will probably be early access.
I don't want to give a date yet, but I would say I'm about 80~85% done maybe?
That being said I forgot to mention before, this is for the Patreon release. The Steam release will come a few months later, once I'm done adding another few features and making sure it's as clean as can be!
Yes! ^^ It took a while, but the next demo is in sight! Still a few months to go though. I'm going to release a Patreon exclusive demo first, and a public demo some time after (that is, as soon as I can get some additional features implemented, a trailer, some advertisement stuff... This kind of thing).
So yeah, it's getting closer! I do post public devlogs monthly on Patreon ( if you're interested. There will be a new one on the 1st of October ^^
Crazy to think its almost 3 years since the last one. Excited to see the gameplay changes (obviously been keeping an eye on all the new art/chibis so far!)
Ah so that's what you meant. You'll have to go to patreon for that, the links are in the tier descriptions! If you can't find them, send me a message on Patreon.
Huh, that's weird considering this is microsoft's site, I've never heard of that happening. I'm afraid I can't help you anymore than that... It's apparently a classic GameMaker problem. If you look up that error message, you'll find the same solution as the one I gave you. This is all I've got sadly...
For now the max is 5, but there will be a rank 6 in the final game!
Also, please click reply on this post if you have more questions instead of creating a new post. There's also an edit function for your own posts if you need it ^^
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action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 0
for object obj_ExplorationController:
Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [1,0] out of range [1,-1] - -7.tempSavedMultistateArray(100007,32000)
at gml_Object_obj_ExplorationController_Other_10
yeah me too
I made the mistake of having the earlier demo still on my computer. after removing it I got to fight the octo girls.
Having previous demo can give issues with the new one? Will try to delete it to fix my problem then.
It seems loading from saves causes problems still looking for a way around that.
Sorry I wasn't able to get to this earlier, this is fixed in the new version!
Thank You! The game is fun and funny.
Good game. I approve. Sad part it's I can't delete the save to restart the game and enjoy again. F95zone saying "it's too hard" and "no nudity" are just horny people. Subscribing to Patreon right now, I want to play the next update.
Aw thank you very much! ^^
Yeah, currently the only way to delete the save is to go to AppData/Local and deleting the BE_Witches_20_08_2020 folder. That'll change soon with the new update though! ^^
were is the clues for the button room?
The clue is in the room itself!
Feel free to take a look at the walkthrough if you want the solution though:
I have an issue with the 2020 demo that I'm hoping can be resolved, if you can find the time. Or maybe you fixed it already.
I use two monitors, and I run the game in Fullscreen with Alt+Enter. It runs fine, except for one annoying interaction: When my mouse goes off the right side of the window, it goes to my other monitor, so if I'm not careful in a Shapes fight, I might accidentally click on my Discord window, minimizing the game and causing me to most likely get hit a bunch. I can tell that in windowed mode the cursor is properly locked to the window, but as of that build it wasn't properly working for fullscreen. I can't test if it works in reverse without mucking around a bunch in my display settings because it fullscreens to primary monitor.
That all having been said, excited to see what comes of the new demo this month! I'm very seriously considering pledging to see what's new. At any rate, best of luck with the next step of the game!
That's been fixed! The cursor now locks to the game screen properly when in fullscreen with a multiscreen setup. A few other cursor related issues have been fixed too, like one that would cause the cursor to drift in some cases ^^
Thank you very much! I'm very excited to finally share something too :B
Sadly steam has to make the game inaccessible in germany. Is it possible to aquire a key by supporting you on patreon? i havent seen any options like it
The game isn't actually out on Steam yet! It's just an empty page for now.
There will be a new Patreon exclusive demo on September 30th though, and a public one later sometime in 2024. That public demo will also be on Steam. If I ever learn about the game being unavailable in some countries then, I'll look into doing what you said or something similar ^^
I just finished the demo (defeating the final boss until the monsters are all as big as they can get and I reached max amplitude for the main characters), and I just wanna say that this game was absolutely awesome. I would love to keep playing, so PLEASE keep the updates coming. I hope that this is only the beginning of the embiggening!
Thank you so much! ^^
The next update is coming out soon actually! It will be released on Patreon on September 30th
Was wondering on how big you guys plan to have the growth go in this? Like is the max size in the current demo the final size or do you plan on going bigger? Maybe even hyper sizes?
There will be one additional 6th rank in the final game yes! As for hyper sizes, it depends on the character. A few will get hyper sizes, a bunch will get to a massive size without getting into hyper territory, and some will be a bit smaller than that. But all will be various amounts of huge, basically ^^
if some one will answer i would be very pleased. i did not read most of the game and im stuck in the first island and i dont know how to rank up and i was hoping for a answer as for i just made my account (btw i have gotten very good and i find the concept hard to understand but thats what i like in a game! i was left think to myself for a while but then i got the handle of things! also im very lazy and dont like to read and i think thats why im lost)
sorry for the size of the comment
sorry for being chatty but i happen to love the nightmare boss fight! it was hard and this is the first game i did not beat in 1 go so far! i get all bosses done with out restarting any of the bosses but i found myself losing! i will be coming back to this game as many updates as there are to come!
ps: she took me 3 times to beat
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the game ^^
I don't know if you figured it out, but you can rank up at the big red crystal in town.
Also here's a link to the walkthrough in case you need it:
i know how to rank up i just cant find power orb
thanks for the walkthrough! i will take a look into it and hope i can find out what im missing!
I'm enjoying what we've gotten so far, I admittedly find myself wondering if ranks will go above five :p
But I find myself wanting to reset my progress, how might I go about doing that?
Edit; Nevermind, I've so far figured out you can delete the save file by deleting the game's named folder from the Appdata/Local folder
Ah yeah that's the only way to delete your save currently, sorry about that. There will be an in game file delete in the next demo!
And yes, there will be one more rank in the final game ^^
How do I play the cheat version? Please guide me through it
All the cheat version does is letting you rank up at the big red crystal without having to gather power orbs. It might also have every alchemy recipe unlocked but it's been a while, so I'm not sure. Everything else is the same!
How do you save in the game?
You need to reach a save room and click on the magic circle.
There is one in Sablee, you can reach it by going up, up, left from the plaza with the huge red crystal ^^
Is there something I'm missing, or do the items Fairy Dust and whatever the third item for the Goblin is just have ridiculously low drop rates? I've gone as far as getting over 100 combo and getting as many of the energy symbols as possible when I fight those enemies but I've only gotten fairy dust once, and have never gotten the third item in the Goblin loot table.
And are there specific codes that can be used to fight specific enemies in the room with the 4 switches, or does it just summon a random enemy when you enter the wrong code?
And is the tea set not possible to complete in the demo? I've got all of the parts except for the plate and the pot, but have no recipes or drop locations for those two items.
They shouldn't be excessively rare, you might have gotten bad luck. I realize farming can be a bit of a pain in this demo, but there will be systems to facilitate it in the next one.
No, the wrong code just summons a random enemy. Being able to summon a speific enemy in some way is a cool idea though, I'll keep that in mind!
The tea set can be completed! The plate and pot recipes are hidden, but the walkthrough can help you find them:
Thank you, the walk-thru was very helpful. I actually got the stretchy bra the very next fight after I found the recipe that uses it. Still haven't gotten a lot of fairy dust, though. And being able to target-farm certain enemies would certainly make farming materials a lot less annoying.
This game exceeded my expectations. I would like to ask when we could know about a next update is this?
Thank you!
I don't have a precise date, but the next update will be Patreon only and will come out in August at best, or in September at worst.
A public update will come out later after more work has been done, but I have no release window for that one (probably in 2024 though).
Is there a settings page by any chance or is that a limitation of playing on the portable version? Also are there any differences between the installed and portable versions?
Edit: I've installed the game instead and checked the game folder in AppData/Local but I don't see a settings.ini file, interestingly enough.
There are some settings you can access in game by opening the inventory (trilobite button to the left of the map), and then clicking on the "settings" tab in the top right.
And no, the portable and the installer version should be the same!
As for the settings.ini file, it will only be created after the game is launched. That may be why you didn't see it ^^
Buy option?
Someday! The game is still being developed
Let's go
is this weight gain inglation or stuffing game wonder why i got reccoemnded?
I suppose the algorithm considers breast expansion to be close enough
Can you make a APK version, please?
Sorry, I have no plans to make a mobile version currently!
Very sadly...
hey, are the posters in the secret room just decoration?
also had a bug where mud elementals spawned in BF1.
That's normal, the mud elementals are just rare in BF1 ^^
And the posters are just for fun yeah, the'yre useless
anyone have the individual renders of the enemies and there sizes? or is that patron exclusive?
The older ones are available on Deviantart ( and Pixiv (, the rest is Patreon exclusive, where a higher tier lets you see a higher size ^^
very nice, glad to know there's a da. now my last question is, how do they grow, is it per reset or per power up?
In the current version the characters in your party grow per power up, and the enemies grow per reset. ^^
got it, thanks for that.
Maybe a Stupid question, but how do I reset, to let the enemies grow?
There is a button at the very end of the ocean dungeon. Pressing it causes the bosses to respawn and every enemy to grow ^^
I got a question, how do I restart my game? and please be specific, I am not exactly a Tec Wiz.
also is the full version or at least another demo coming out soon, I just noticed that while the comment section is still active its been almost 2 years since there's been an update on this page specifically.
There will be an easy way to delete your save file in the next demo, but for now you'll have to do it manually by going to AppData/Local and deleting the BE_Witches_20_08_2020 folder. You could try using windows key + R, type %appdata% and confirming to access the appdata folder, but if that doesn't work you should be able to easily look for more info on that online.
A new demo is coming out soon-ish, I've been posting public devlogs on Patreon regularly. The end of this one in particular might interest you:
thank you sir/ma'am
I'm still trying to figure out where to find the dang power orbs to rank up my characters!
They're hidden in a variety of places, but there is a walkthrough here, should you need it:
Can someone please create a chart or something to explain how the color combination system works? I can understand primary and secondary colors just fine, but my colorblindness starts kicking in around the tertiary color level, making it impossible for me to tell what is going on with the colors. so a chart explaining how the colors interact (i.e. combine shard w with pellet x will result in shard y (and pellet z for some combinations). I'm finding the game incredibly unfun whenever the color combination system comes into play due to my colorblindness.
There are no tertiary colors! When you mix a primary and secondary color, they simply get swapped. I've linked the color guide below, you can find it in Vuu's house but it's not the most obvious thing, I'll fix that in the next demo.
The symbols you see here each correspond to a color and are also on the shards and on the pellets, but please tell me if any in particular are hard to see for you, both in this guide and in game, so I can fix this!
Additionally, Vuu will tell you what color a shard/pellet is if you left click on it. Hope that helps! ^^
oh, it's printer colors. I was thinking standard red/yellow/blue, which makes colors like cyan tertiary colors (blue + blue + yellow). but if it's printer colors then I think I can get the hang of it, just have to remember how they work again. but thank you for re-posting the sheet. I'll probably download this so I can have it in another window when I need it.
can I play this game on Mac to?
Sorry, I have no way to test that currently, so I can't promise it will work!
Do you have any clue as to when the next demo is getting released or not?
I'm expecting around August, but this is more of a guess than an actual release date.
You can find more info here:
Is there a way to fully reset the game?
No, you have to do it manually by going to AppData/Local and deleting the BE_Witches folder.
Sorry about that, there will be an easy way to delete your save file in the next demo!
I don't know if there's any meaningful point in bug reporting when a new demo is coming out Soon™, but my game on 20 08 2020 is crashing when I attempt to save.
action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 0
for object obj_ExplorationController:
DoSub :1: undefined value
at gml_Script_slowdown_target
stack frame is
gml_Script_slowdown_target (line 0)
And now it's crashing on load attempt, so I can't play.
It happens in the older 19 03 build too, fwiw.
That's so weird, I've never heard of this...
It's possible that I've fixed this bug as a side effect of working on whatever else since then, but I'll look into it. Thank you for reporting it!
And sorry... You might be able to play again by erasing your save file in AppData\Local\BE_Witches_20_08_2020, but it might just crash again...
Though, do you remember at what point exactly the game crashed? Right as you clicked on the save circle, or after a small delay maybe?
It will just crash again on-save, I've confirmed that much.
As for when it happens, it seems to crash at the very end of the save animation- if I were to extrapolate from my layperson intuition of the error code, something in the slowdown effect might have caused an error to happen while saving and corrupted the save file, which would cause another crash on load attempt. That's my theory, anyway. Whatever's causing it, it's consistent between both versions of the game that I have. It's odd because I remember having played without much issue in the past.
Something interesting- the save file is definitely corrupt. I checked my save directory and the text in the save file that's in there is only 89 characters long, as compared to a 195.8k character backup file that's also in the directory.
I'm going to attempt a fresh install and see if something weird happened to my local copy of the game. I'll wipe the appdata folder too just in case. I'll keep the older version as-is just in case there's something useful in that appdata folder for bug-hunting, since it's suffering from the same issue.
Good news! The reinstall did fix it. Whether it was the reinstall, the appdata folder wipe, or the combination of the two, I don't know.
Thanks for all your hard work on the game! Hoping the new demo and the eventual full release live up to the potential this original 2020 demo shows in abundance. =D
One power orb is at the end of the ocean dungeon, and the rest is hidden. For example, you can get a power orb by using sand on the sandcastle!
There is a walkthrough (in english) here:
thank you
Now I have a question, how do you replay the nightmare? I accidentally sold the game before and reinstalled it, but I don’t know where to put the save file, so I can’t do it again...I’m stuck...
I use a translator, and if the words don't convey the meaning, I will describe them in detail.
You can fight Nightmare again after you press the button at the end of the ocean dungeon. This will cause Nightmare and Saen'Liz to respawn ^^
I'm not sure I understand what you said about the save file, but it should be in AppData\Local\BE_Witches_20_08_2020
I really love this game and I can't wait for the next ubdate, what is the date you planned to release the new ubdate?
Thank you!
I was hoping to release it in 2022, but it was more work than I expected... All I can say is that it will take another few months.
There will be a Patreon exclusive version first, and a public release later!
This is... honestly a game I wouldn't have tried normally. But was searching on a lark and tried it for laughs. This has throughly surprised me on how charming and fun the game is, as well as how the world is unique in a way I don't see in RPGs too often. I ain't even in it for the BE anymore. I just want to see Vuu become a great Knight now. Super cool, will check out the final version when I can!
Aww thank you so much!
I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^^
I've just finished playing the base demo (aka I got to the screen that says thanks for playin') and gonna play through the new game+.
I love this game! It's got so many cool concepts and ideas that really draw you in! Not to mention, the reward of BE is a great one indeed! I can't wait for the full game! Keep me posted!
Also, three quick questions:
1. There seems to be a glitch in my version of the game where the mouse constantly drifts diagonally up and left. I worked around it and I managed, but is there a way to fix it?
2. Will the different sizes be reflected in their base character sprites? (i.e. running around, idle, laughing, etc.)
3. Do the main two characters in the demo have all 5 stages yet, or are those going to be saved for the final game? (So far I have two power orbs)
Hey, thank you so much! ^^
1. That's an annoying bug yeah, it will be fixed in the next version. It has to do with the resolution of your screen, and sadly the best I have for this current version is to fiddle with the resolution or the fullscreen settings and cross your fingers. There is a chance that your cursor will get stuck in a corner of your screen by doing that though, in which case you'll have to close the game and reset the settings by going to AppData\Local\BE_Witches_20_08_2020 and either editing settings.ini yourself, or simply deleting it (a new default one will be created once you reopen the game). Sorry about that...
2. Yes! They will eventually be.
3. They have 5 unlockable ranks in the demo, and there will be a 6th one in the final game ^^
Of course! There's not enough actually good content with BE out there (either that or it's all discontinued), so thank y'all very much!
1. Alrighty, I'll give it a try.
2. Awesome :D
3. Oh excellent, then it seems I've got more to do!
this is honestly one of the coolest games i have played in a while and i cant wait for when the game gets its next update
Thank you! I'm getting there, little by little ^^
how do i get the vace lid recipe?
These are dropped by Mud Elementals! ^^
thank you now i finally have al of the power orbs
Is there currently a higher rank than 5, or is that in the works right now?
5 is the max currently, but there will be a 6th rank in the final game yeah!
that's quite cool! i hope to stay around to see the final game!
If i remember right, your goal was to release the next huge update of BE witches at the end of 2022?
Do you think you would need more time?
Also is the next update gonna be the release on Steam too? Can't wait to buy it!
Thank you so much! ^^
I tried really hard to make it happen in 2022, but I severely underestimated the amount of work sadly... So 2023 it is. I'm currently almost done adding cutscenes, and I still need to add new rooms after that, plus a few other things.
The next update will be on Steam yes, but as a free demo! The one after that will probably be early access.
I have no problem of waiting but what approximately date you think you would release the next update or/and what % of work left in your opinion?
I don't want to give a date yet, but I would say I'm about 80~85% done maybe?
That being said I forgot to mention before, this is for the Patreon release. The Steam release will come a few months later, once I'm done adding another few features and making sure it's as clean as can be!
I wish you luck in the rest of the update development.
Thank you so much! ^^
What's the difference between the installer and portable versions?
The installer version needs to be installed, while the portable version can be played as is. The game itself is the same! ^^
hi NoseBecc, how's the game going, any updates or on- going updates coming up?
Yes! ^^
It took a while, but the next demo is in sight! Still a few months to go though.
I'm going to release a Patreon exclusive demo first, and a public demo some time after (that is, as soon as I can get some additional features implemented, a trailer, some advertisement stuff... This kind of thing).
So yeah, it's getting closer! I do post public devlogs monthly on Patreon ( if you're interested. There will be a new one on the 1st of October ^^
Thanks for telling me about the upcoming update game, but I'm not interested in Patreon. Have a wonderful day.
Crazy to think its almost 3 years since the last one. Excited to see the gameplay changes (obviously been keeping an eye on all the new art/chibis so far!)
Yeeah tell me about it, I can barely believe it's been this long myself.
Thank you! ^^
Oh ok
Yo nosebecc i wanna see monstergirls rank 5 and i gave you 22$
Ah so that's what you meant. You'll have to go to patreon for that, the links are in the tier descriptions! If you can't find them, send me a message on Patreon.
the cheat version won't let me play, it just has an error:
FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: shdr_ItemShine
D3DXCompile failed - result
at gml_Object_obj_Title_Draw_0
You're probably missing a few drivers, this should fix it:
my windows security just blocked the download, and its locked to on somehow
Huh, that's weird considering this is microsoft's site, I've never heard of that happening.
I'm afraid I can't help you anymore than that... It's apparently a classic GameMaker problem. If you look up that error message, you'll find the same solution as the one I gave you. This is all I've got sadly...
And but all numbers 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ok
For now the max is 5, but there will be a rank 6 in the final game!
Also, please click reply on this post if you have more questions instead of creating a new post. There's also an edit function for your own posts if you need it ^^