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Hello, i have been having a bug that makes my game crash every time i fight a monster in the mushroom caves and then try to exit them, to save my game in Biscottis save point. I am playing in a virtual machine so maybe its because of lack of processing power? Has this happened to anyone before? Thank you.

(1 edit)

What is going to released date BE witches Nosebecc

I think my game's bricked until I reinstall it; the opening screen has the cursor permanently stuck in the top left hand corner, reacting to clicks but not mouse movement.

The only setting I remember changing since it worked was turning off fullscreen so I could check the completed map at the same time.

Finally dug around enough to find the settings file, and somehow my cursor coordinates were both calibrated to negative five hundred and seventy-one billion (and change). Resetting those to 0 fixed the issue.

Maybe I moved the mouse too much while calibrating?


Aah sorry about that, the cursor calibration isn't perfect and for some people it can bug out like this, for no discernable reason...

Thankfully the GameMaker 2 port will fix that in a few months by removing the need to calibrate altogether among various performance improvements

Hey nosebecc i noticed one bug in the game but its just random not that kind of bug that makes the game unplayable, so one time when i was about to test kobolds ability on the heart i got to seable(the starting place) amd interacted woth the scarecrow dummy but when i switched to kobold it instantly crashed, i tried this few times but it didnt work, y'know its not that important but still just saying it!

Oh and it was a long time ago you mightev even fixed it too idk

Aah, training mode did have a fair amount of jank before. I'll check to make sure, thank you ^^

i tryed turn on debug mode, does anyone knows why it doesn't work?

Debug mode is only available on the Patreon version, is that the one you're using?


No, thanks for answer i will buy subscription.

Hi, firstly, great game, peak fiction!

Secondly I have found a few bugs:

1. When viewing Klehss's in a menu, when the image moves it causes her left right leg to 'flash'. I don't know if this is just due to how my computer displays it.

2. Notice on that a red and yellow onyon are on the same space, 4 from bottom, 2 from left

3. While walking through the ?Biscotti tunnels, the game crashed and i got this error

Thank you!

1. Aah, the flashing on Klehss is due to the way I did the shading. I don't think I'll be able to fix that, but that's good to know!

2. Damn, I thought I'd fixed this one. I believe it can happen when an oyon falls in the same frame the gravity is swapped. I'll look into it!

3. I never saw this one before, I'll look into it too!

Thank you very much for these reports, this helps a lot ^^

hey! it's me again, two things, is there a document or web with a guide? I don't know where to find some things, and second, I found the best way to farm xp, use 4 girls, and go to a spawn zone, there'll be one enemy that gives a lot of xp, if the spawned isn't that one, fight and don't remach, and if you find that, remach it with all the girls, in the forest before Nightmare's first encounter, focus to the phantom girl

Hey! ^^

There is a walkthrough yeah! You can find it here:

nothing but love for this game so far, its amazin

Thank you very much! ^^

i have absolutely no idea how to get falling stars

You'll need to shoot them out of the sky with the cannons in the night dome! They only spawn in 2 rooms

thats very different, but i like it, thank you for replying so quickly! While you are here I have a suggestion for more BE content! During battles, make the fei grow the witches to their capacity, like ranking up is just a larger bust size showing more spell power stored in the boobies, and as you link the oyons the witches breasts grow to a rank! im no coder so i have no clue how hard that would be, but it would fix a lot of the minimal booba content issue <3

Thank you! This is something I've thought about a lot actually. I ended choosing not to do it since I wanted the BE to feel more permanent, and with the limited space and amount of stuff happening during fights it would have been hard to notice anyway...
There's a bit more to it, but that's the gist of it!

It's a surprisingly complicated issue. I might actually make some special fights where the rules are a bit different and BE does happen mid fight, but other than that I do have a few plan on how to add more BE content, it's just going to take a bit of time to implement ^^


very interested on how you are going to do it and excited to see where this game goes! so far it is adorable and the alchemy makes my brain hurt! (in a good way)

lol thanks again! ^^

help! I'm new in the game, I played the old demo, I'm before do the yellow orb thing, fight to the cowgirl I think, I want to level the characters to level 14 for the rank up, I'm using the more spawn shard, bit I think I'm leveling too slow, there's a way to level faster?


At this point in the game your best bet would be to go back to the forest to level up, but it would probably take a bit... It might be better to continue the story, you'll get more opportunities to level up and rank up soon ^^

(2 edits)

nosebecc if I donated 12 months or more in tier 1 would it already be valid with what the tier is described in the print

or would I have to donate at least once in tier 3?

Yes, it would be valid! I'm only looking at the total donated for this, so this works!

Thank you very much for considering it! ^^

I haven't made any donations yet, but when I can I'll make some donations :)

how do u save?

(1 edit)

You can save by clicking on the big clock in save rooms!

In Sablee, you can find a save room close to the beach:

Oh ok I lost all my progress oh well I didnt get super far love the game btw

Sorry about that... I'll see what I can do about adding a better explanation soon!

And thank you ^^

There will be a adaptation for linux?


This will very probably be a thing at some point in the future yes! ^^

I am on the 3rt island, there's some way to go back to make 100% on every map or only in a new save file?


By completing the demo you will be able to return to previous areas.

the place is close to that "UFO" that is destroyed.

(1 edit)

just finished the demo and now im trying to see all the BE possible on all the characters and oh man, shards are going in negatives😭😭😭

Oh amd yeah, i really like the celleras and slime nurse's booba especialy celleras bc the cowgirl and stuff it adds after 3rd rank, i like the slime nurse's bc its kinda like Vuu but makes me think its better, well tbh Imp is a real thing, i use her to fight and shes dang Hot!!

And is it true theres going to be 6th rank in feature? If yes im super happy!

Cya booba lovers!

Oh and another question Nosebecc, is plant girl in this Demo?

I'm sorry for the delay, for some reason I stopped getting notifications from itchio!

Thank you very much!
There will be a 6th rank in the final release yes ^^
Plant girl isn't in this demo, she'll be added in a future version ^^


oh yeah no problem, aww man im so excited for the 6th rank even if it takes years ill wait patiently!

Just out of curiousity, how do you access the other playable characters?

Look for Liv in the areas where enemies appear and pay her to use the monster reborn spell or finish the demo and she will be waiting there

I'm sorry for the delay, for some reason I stopped getting notifications from itchio!

As chogathbr64 said you can unlock characters through Liv. You can add them to your party by clicking on the card next to the clocks in save rooms after you reach Biscotti ^^

Which one is Liv? Cause that name doesn't ring a bell. If its possible could you show me a picture?

Sure! ^^
This is Liv:

You find her around the middle of the demo, and she can randomly appear in dungeons afterwards (or is permanently available after you beat the demo)

Okay I haven't run into her yet, cause I just left that Auron Tower or whatever it was called.

I can't seem to get out of Biscotti. I've looked and interacted with everything I possibly could and I'm just stuck


There's a walktrhough here:

(3 edits)

In the newest demo is it possible to find 6 power orbs and increase size at level 20? I am so lost as to where the last one is, if that is the case. Can I get some help? Been looking around the last shroom section in (Biscotti tunnels). I can't find the solution to section(A1-3  or  14) and can't find solution to section (B2-2 or 14) Could it be there? Are the puzzles finished?

Edit: I cheated and found a guide. It was too hard for me to notice what I was missing.  Would like to know if anyone  else had a hard time on this as well. It was a quite the reward I almost missed out on.

The game has been a blast. I can tell there has been a lot of love put into this. So charming. The character designs, the colors, the different locations. The puzzle too, some very hard, some sweet. The core battle mechanics have such a playful design. And the attractions you interact with feels really good. Even the small things like the feel of the UI, environment interaction.

As someone who has wanted to make games of my own this is truly inspiring. 

I'm sorry for the delay, for some reason I stopped getting notifications from itchio!

Thank you very much, I'm glad! ^^
Some stuff will be rebalanced in the future. The harder optional puzzles will probably stay as they are, but I'm planning on adding a way to help the find some secrets at some point

Has anyone been able to beat Nightmare? i get her hp down low but she manages to hit me for 9999 and kills be before i can recover x,x

Yes, it is possible because I have already completed the demo on the highest difficulty mode.

I accumulated damage to finish the fight before Nightmare cast the final attack, perhaps to reset the casting time of the final attack.

What level were you when you beat here? i'm lvl20-23 and i dont do alot of damage still trying to find her weakness

I faced her around these levels, I don't remember much, but what I suggest is that you avoid the yellow fey attacks because the Nighmare is immune.

I don't know what spells you have or the rank level of your witches.

But I suggest you leave aside the healing spells and only use the combo heals.

(1 edit)

Have a damage combo ready and just beat her to the punch when she is low health.

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Ok im beginning to get a lil pissed... how tf do i rank up or whatever to get the BE? Im pressing everything i can, im hitting it, don't know. I've had to skip 2 or 3 ow cuz I have no clue

The rank up mechanics are explained and demonstrated after the first boss of the main story.

Soooo... could u tell me how cuz i cant go back?


Have you already faced the first boss and started the festival?

If so, you will have to follow the story until you find the rank up room in Biscotti.

Has anyone done the Night dome Constellations? i got 2 of them right by following it but some i'm still confused on how to follow the guide


guide? I didn't understand this part but using Smash on the constellation stars shows the points where you need to make the connections.

What's the different between this new demo and the last demo that released in 2023? Does the play through gets longer and have more content?

Yes! It's a massive update ^^

There's more characters, areas, items, shapes, puzzles, an actual story, improved system, and more. It takes 15 to 20 hours to get to the end of the demo, and more if you want to 100% ^^



The Yellow Seal is in the Night dome, and the Night Dome is accessed through the Rietti plains, above the forest entrance ^^

An ecchi game, not a hentai game!

But ... but, ecchi literally means H as in hentai. Japanese bashfully abreviate hentai to h and even use the english pronounciation to "hide" what they are talking about.

It is like having a bee game instead of a booba game.


That's fair, I think this differentiation is more made in the west.

I just couldn't think of a snappier way to explain this ^^


I do not think that the word hentai is used outside of Japan as they would use it in Japan either. On the one hand it is funny how different people use the same words and mean different things. On the other hand, this can get frustrating if they use this to classify things and talk to each other about those things. Misunderstandings are bound to happen. Using "H" seems to have a long tradition in Japan, and there seems to not even be consensus about the origin or meaning. At one point in history it even meant gay. Not kidding. The translated Japanese wiki site for ecchi is a fun read. So saying it is an ecchi game and not hentai could have once meant, it is a homosexual game and not a perverted game. Language is fun.


Huh, I had no idea lol
But well, looking up "difference between ecchi and hentai" does seem to correspond to what I had in mind now, generally speaking. I'll stick with it for the time being at least since it'll save me some trouble, but it's still good to know! I'll keep this in mind and if something better/clearer comes to me, I'll change it then!

Thank you ^^


Just to be clear, my initial post was meant jokingly. Hence the stammering. There is no doubt about the lighthearted booba nature of your game.

I never saw ecchi used outside of anime I watched. Except by nerds on wikipedia. Hentai, yes, but not ecchi. Maybe it really is getting established as a word. And while we are at it, we should add booba to the dictionary.

Now this I can agree with! lol



nosebecc The game's difficulty isn't a problem for me, but be careful not to make the game too easy because you can make some very challenging puzzles and very good battles.

I think the shapes in the Auria Tower should have a spawn rate like the shapes in the other areas to demonstrate more about that type of battle and give people the chance to collect the triangular trinket (I mean the bill cipher from that area).

But nosebecc, just don't forget to leave something for those players who like a challenge, so that it doesn't get in the way of players who just want to finish the game.

I don't think the Brazilian Portuguese language will be added, but it will still be a good game when it's finished.

but the name of the witch gravitates when it is a selected character that would be "Goza" and it is very funny here in Brazil and just do a translation from Brazilian Portuguese to English and you will understand.

lmao I see. Hmm, might have to change that then lol

The difficulty is definitely a hard thing to balance. Some find the game too hard to the point where even the easiest difficulty is tough, while others can breeze through it without issues... I definitely want the game to get harder as the story progresses, but this also means the game should be easier near the start (or at least, the mandatory fights). I do want extra hard optional fights too ^^
Thank you for bringing this up though, it can be easy to forget that some want an actual challenge!

For the Auria Tower triangle, there will be more opportunities to get it later in the story! ^^

Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed the game! :B


E muito legal que você nosebecc é interativo com a comunidade sobre seu game, mas serio o nome "Goza" da witch gravitar (essa witch na print ) e parecida com a palavra "gozar" aqui no Brasil, e traduzindo a palavra "gozar" para o inglês fica "cum"... (yes and a funny translation Goza=gozar=cum), mas e só engraçado isso não precisa se preocupar não.

E eu estou usando tradutor para escrever em Inglês, sinto muito se meu Inglês não ter ficado muito bom nos outros comentário que eu tinha feito.

It's ok! It was totally understandable ^^

It's definitely a bit silly to keep "Goza" now that I know this, even if it's not a big issue lol

(2 edits)

Amazing game! Am I the only one who thought the Kitsune boss was a dick in the eye though? "All the things I've learned--all things I've applied aren't helping me! [She's] just fucking wrecking me!"

Was not prepared for things to get so Touhou so fast. I gave up after an hour and dropped the difficulty and still barely won. That was at level 9.

If there was some mechanic like a particular weakness that makes the encounter more manageable, it was apparently real easy to miss. Doesn't help that you have no access to storage, shop, etc at this point.

I wouldn't have even batted an eye or asked the question if the rest of the game hadn't been exemplary in terms of polish, design and difficulty curve.

Thank you very much!

I haven't received other reports about Kitsune but there's room for improvement when it comes to balance, without a doubt. I'll keep that in mind and take another look at her!

Kitsune does have a resistance to purple spells. There is a "Resist" graphic that shows when using a purple spell on her, but I have yet to add special SFX for resistances and weaknesses so this might have played a role.

I also recommend using Witch cards as they're a small quick free heal and can give you some new options! Vuu's Veomea is also very powerful and great against Shapes ^^

If you don't have combo spells equipped, I'd recommend using at least one if you've got any in your inventory.

Hang on, I didn't get the tutorial on combo spells until after in Biscotti. Are they available before that fight?

Technically yes, it's possible to find a few before then. Not that you need them for the fight necessarily!

I'll also rebalance item location in the future though, so this might change.

(1 edit) (+1)

Haven't even gotten to the fetish parts yet. This game is literally just playing bejeweled and undertale while tripping on adderall, I love it and I want to die.

Edit: each segment of this game is different and more painful than the last im actually hyped


lol I'm glad you like it!

I do want to add more booba content in the future ^^


You need to go to the abandoned house in the north east part of Biscotti! ^^

There are a few other steps after. You can find a walkthrough here:


For the mushroom puzzles, you will need to find the correct colors clue with the corresponding symbol. You also need to use SMASH, and I recommend you use your color guide too ^^

I'm not sure I understand, but the walkthrough has the solution for the mushroom puzzles! Or is it that Patreon does not work for you?

Feel free to send a screenshot too!

Deleted 30 days ago

Found game while horny, realized it's a whole ass game. I LOVE IT. BOOBA


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XD i just noticed this nosebecc the last part of the devlog that says "i just love boobs too much" i love it, and not even blameing you, im like you too but without a great game that many people play!(im the human without the great game)


Long live the booba!



- "Breast expansion game"

- Looks inside

- Cool and unique battle mechanics

??? /j

lol thank ye! :B

What are the use for souls?


at this point in the demo just to create the Teacup, Tea plate and Teapot trinkets.

each trinket using 1 specific type of soul and Vase lip or/and shard

Hey, where can I find Jelly tentacles? The guide doesn't say where to find them like it does pretty much every other item in the game


This item is an enemy drop called jelly.

The book can help you know if it is an enemy drop or collectible from the scenario and some.

The book helps a lot in finding the items that are dropped by the enemies that you have seen dropping

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