So in the tunnels how are you supposed to get to that room in the top left? I got to the room with the window but I can't get to the other side of said window no matter how hard I look.
yeah, those buttons are strait invisible, there's one more in the room right before the first mushroom puzzle and another one in the room right after the secret tunnel to get the first half of that puzzle combo
Does anyone know a reliable way to farm the red shards (fei shards?), I know where to farm money and exp, but now I'm out of the shards to revive and rank up all the characters, the only way I found is to get lucky and get a shape fight while exploring which is super rng dependent.
As far as i know - shape fights are the only reliable way to get shards. You can speed up this process a bit with debug mode (SHIFT+ENTER+F2), after it's activation you can click left/right CTRL and that will allow you to go any direction even if you encounter a fight, and you can do it until you encounter shapes fight.
By the end of such farm every section of location map can be filled with normal fights.)) Edit: Added a screenshot
Thank you so much, I was already farming in that area but it was quite slow, being able to just ignore normal fights with the debug menu makes things so much better.
Yeah, with the pointer the little rollers on the cannons are for grabbing, then use the Mouse wheel. Lets you move them left and right.
In smash mode, the bar on the front fills up to show the power and height.
use the slam fist to figure out the order to connect the stars, for this one the middle star connects to all other stars save for the one at the top right to it, then the stars to the left and right connect to each other while the top right one connects to the right middle most star.
hey, you wouldn't happen to know how to adjust the cannons do you, i know how to move em left and right but what about up and down for the room with 2 cannons?
does anyone know why i don't have a crown next to the slime nurse despite having defeated 100s of them and getting the unheal item like 20 times? had the same thing happen with the goblin and jelly and in the case of the goblin it randomly corrected itself after a battle with them but it's not happening with the maid.
Where does Jelly Tentacle appear? I've farmed jellies to level 5 before fighting the captain, and then up to level 9 afterward, before ever visiting the pyramid. I feel like I've clicked all over every screen, with every button on my mouse (including scroll wheel), because it is BE Witches, and I still haven't found one.
PS - Still have the original demo, it's great to see it's still being worked on. Gotta respect half the titlular content being primarily hidden behind Kings's Quest-grade puzzles.
PPS - I'm failing to find tentacles in the 2023 10 07 demo
Tentacles come from the fights with the starting pirate girls. Get the COMBO meter to 50 and 100 to get guaranteed drops. The rarity of the tentacles is a tiny issue though so it might take a few fights.
Thanks, I saw in the guide that it is listed as dropping from them, so I figured. I think the issue is I usually beat them at around 45 combo meter, didn't realize drop rate was linked. Tyvm!
i got you, in the underground tunnel system, in the last room ypu get access to look to the top left of the room and you'll see a leaf you can pull (note: unlike EVERY other version of this, the leaf isn't a different color) simply pull it to reach the golden tree.
I'll say, especially in the sewers, I strait up couldn't find the hidden rooms up in the top left corner until I happened to get a battle in both rooms, which I had to intentionally do after noesbecc told me the location.
on either floor 4 or 5 where you cant enter 2 of the rooms theres a lever on the bottom right rooms left most wall that will make it disappear and give you access to a pit fall, go through that and you eventually reach the room thats locked from the other side.
Completed the game and now vaccuming locations. I don't get Auria Towers at all - map shows that i'm missing 25-50% of the hidden treasures on several floors, but no matter how much i look at every room, my eyes can't spot anything.
Any hints? Maybe i should somehow interact with the "steam sillouetes"?
I have noticed them - they are obvious enough already. Better make the grabbing/scrolling feature itself a bit more obvious, because when you hover your mouse over something you can click - you hear a sound, but grabbing/scrolling doesn't have that. I had the same thing with the cannons in the night dome - figured that they are moved by scrolling after several attempts to move them while grabbing the "lever" or what was that.
is this also the case in the mushroom sewers? I've been in there for hours trying to find the rest of the sewers and secrets, I found the hidden mushroom puzzle hidden behind the hidden mushroom puzzle but can't for the life of me find it's solution.
If you are talking about the one with the loop symbol, then there is a hidden button on the second room in A2. There's one last mushroom minigame there which is a nightmare to complete so I'll just post the solution here if you don't want to do it right away (Although you will have to, cause there's another hidden room to get in A1 that leads to a treasure that can only be unlocked by succeed the mushroom challenge)
Loop symbole is : Green - Pink - Cyan - Pink - Cyan
That's because second gate's code doesn't contain any of the first gate's images, it has it's own ones and you have to look around for them, sometimes solving other puzzles or finding levers/buttons so you could get to them.
I did and I cant seem to get it to work and of Couse the walkthrough ant much help EDIT figured it out for some DUMBASS reason the guide had the right anser marked as a decoy
Your puzzles are way too hard. I got stuck because of a color puzzle. Even using the guide I was confused. I want to buy your game, it oozes quality and passion, but you need to allow an option for stupid people like me. I'm not asking you to tone down the whole game, maybe an easy mode?
First things first - remember that if you place red/blue/green pellet on top of pink/yellow/cyan shard (and vice versa) then it will replace them by pushing out the previous color. That's the main gimmick of that puzzle.
I don't remember which color opens the door, but you if you will choose yellow/cyan version, then all you need to do is to replace most of the colors by the gimmick i explaned earlier - you can do it with a red fei pellet which wonders around right side of the screen (place red pellet on top of cyan shard - then do the same by placing a pellet of needed secondary color on top of now red shard), after that there will be at most only one shard of wrong color which you'll need to "fix" by color combining.
The second trinket slot is currently bugged and will crash the game if any character has something equipped in it. I'm 99% sure this is the crash you're getting.
This will be fixed in the next version, sorry about that!
Anyone knows where can i find tea set recipes? The only thing i'm missing is the cup. And also i can't get my hands on how to trap enemy's soul into trapper crystal.
If you have a crystal in the inventory, when you see a wisp appear after battle just long-click it. You’ll scoop it into an empty crystal from your bag.
I encounter a bug when I revive the pirate captain. The cutseen played where she punches rose again and some of my characters were deleted (from night dome and the fox)
First screenshot - top door is unlocked by popping jumping clouds in the background, how to open the bottom one - no clue. As for the door on the second screenshot - i think it's about hitting the furthest sphere, but it exceeds sling's maximum range(?). Maybe after some moment we get a tool to move the slings/spheres, but for now i have no clue how to reach it.
Second screenshot, in the slingshot room there's a removable brick with another slingshot that allows you to hit the previously unreachable sphere.
If anyone knows how to open the the second door in the first screenshot I would be delighted, I've been stuck on it for ages.
I've tried checking every room and wall in this floor, tried to check for secret passage in the two room above and found nothing, I'm getting quite close from a nervous breakdown here
i found how to open bottom door on first screenshot (sheesh... that took a minute... more like a few hours) hint: its 2 floors above. and very very hidden so keep your eyes open.
if hint isnt enough and full answer is needed, i'll tell next time then.
ok, so i played tell after the second boss and reset when i realized i wasn't going back any time soon, i want to 100% everything but got to ask, what am I missing in these 3 areas?
About the new demo - is anywhere an easy way to farm exp for the characters? I know i may sound like crazy and lazy at the same time, but i want to max out everyone, and that's very hard task with how much exp usually drops from enemies and that's only for 1 character out of 4 in entire party (i know others gain some exp too, but i've only see them getting maximum of 10-15 exp), and there are others who are not in it and gain nothing.
Have your main character put the enemy to low or negative HP, then switch to the character you want to level up (click on the cards below) and finish them off by killing a Shape or with a basic move.
When you finish the game, bosses are available to be fought again, they are generally better exp and money.
I know about character fast-switch, using it myself. But one thing remains the same - only one character gets the normal amount of exp, while others get 5-15 as a bonus.
Sorry about that, this will be fixed in the next update! The second trinket slot is currently bugged. If you've equipped a trinket on any character in that slot, this crash can happen. Unequipping them should prevent it though!
Explore around a bit. Every mushroom has a symbol on it. You'll see gates that have this symbol and a combination of colours that should be used in the mushroom with the respective symbol.
You just have to play a minigame before it gives you the answers.
Thank you for the answer but I think you told how to progress the area.
I was asking how to open gates in mushrooms and the answer is to play mushroom smacking minigame fast enough to complete all rounds. If you succeed the light above the gate will glow up.
You have to smash them with the crush/alternate cursor ability and they will shine in a certain order, but not all puzzles seems to follow this logic, only some... DK what am not seeing.
Edit: I tried every combination possible in some of them and no luck. Is it bugged out or am I dumb?
Haverping is correct, smashing a star reveals to what star(s) it's supposed to be connected, then to which stars these ones must be linked to, and so on. It might be easier to smash every star and remember which ones are the first to react.
But yeah, these constellation puzzles have been causing a lot of confusion, I'll improve them to make them easier to understand in the future! Sorry about that...
The game was fun, up until the temple, then it just got really weird; very contradictory to what it was before then. Should I just give it another shot? Lack of saving as you go is an issue, too, imo.
Not sure if anyone else has encountered this issue but the game crashed on me immediately after beating part 2 of the angel fight. The error screen was just blank. Not sure if it was my computer or not.
The demo is still being developed. The finished demo will be uploaded here once completed, which should be sometime time in 2024. The full game is still a long way off.
I'm excited to try the new demo after following the journey for so long, but I've run into a little hiccup. Whenever I launch the new demo it opens and displays normally but it seems to launch at the wrong resolution and the cursor is locked to the center of the screen. I saw your post that you've been working on bugs, so is this one you've seen or fixed yet? Aside from that, I hope you can relax a bit after the next bug fix patch, you've definitely earned it.
The new version lets you recalibrate at any time by pressing tab, I which should help with this. If not, you could also try deleting the settings.ini file in the BE_Witches folder in Appdata/Local. There have been other reports of cursor related issues though, which I'll definitely have to look into.
← Return to game
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So in the tunnels how are you supposed to get to that room in the top left? I got to the room with the window but I can't get to the other side of said window no matter how hard I look.
Edit: Nevermind, I found it.
yeah, those buttons are strait invisible, there's one more in the room right before the first mushroom puzzle and another one in the room right after the secret tunnel to get the first half of that puzzle combo
Does anyone know a reliable way to farm the red shards (fei shards?), I know where to farm money and exp, but now I'm out of the shards to revive and rank up all the characters, the only way I found is to get lucky and get a shape fight while exploring which is super rng dependent.
You can speed up this process a bit with debug mode (SHIFT+ENTER+F2), after it's activation you can click left/right CTRL and that will allow you to go any direction even if you encounter a fight, and you can do it until you encounter shapes fight.
By the end of such farm every section of location map can be filled with normal fights.)) Edit: Added a screenshot
Thank you so much, I was already farming in that area but it was quite slow, being able to just ignore normal fights with the debug menu makes things so much better.
does anyone know how to adjust the cannons angles for the night sphere puzzels to hit balloons that are higher up?
Choose smash-cursor and hold the button with it.
i feel like I've done that already but I'll give it another go.
it worked and i got to say it's crazy to think it was that easy and i swear i did that at least twice before now.
Yeah, with the pointer the little rollers on the cannons are for grabbing, then use the Mouse wheel. Lets you move them left and right. In smash mode, the bar on the front fills up to show the power and height.
Can you make a mobile version please
I need some advice for solving this mystery.
use the slam fist to figure out the order to connect the stars, for this one the middle star connects to all other stars save for the one at the top right to it, then the stars to the left and right connect to each other while the top right one connects to the right middle most star.
hey, you wouldn't happen to know how to adjust the cannons do you, i know how to move em left and right but what about up and down for the room with 2 cannons?
does anyone know why i don't have a crown next to the slime nurse despite having defeated 100s of them and getting the unheal item like 20 times? had the same thing happen with the goblin and jelly and in the case of the goblin it randomly corrected itself after a battle with them but it's not happening with the maid.
Where does Jelly Tentacle appear? I've farmed jellies to level 5 before fighting the captain, and then up to level 9 afterward, before ever visiting the pyramid. I feel like I've clicked all over every screen, with every button on my mouse (including scroll wheel), because it is BE Witches, and I still haven't found one.
PS - Still have the original demo, it's great to see it's still being worked on. Gotta respect half the titlular content being primarily hidden behind Kings's Quest-grade puzzles.
PPS - I'm failing to find tentacles in the 2023 10 07 demo
Tentacles come from the fights with the starting pirate girls. Get the COMBO meter to 50 and 100 to get guaranteed drops. The rarity of the tentacles is a tiny issue though so it might take a few fights.
Thanks, I saw in the guide that it is listed as dropping from them, so I figured. I think the issue is I usually beat them at around 45 combo meter, didn't realize drop rate was linked. Tyvm!
can't switch my characters from the save area because it gives an error that says this:
action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 2
for object obj_CharaSelectSpellCard:
Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [9016,5] out of range [1,-1] - -7.itemInfo(100002,288512005)
at gml_Object_obj_CharaSelectSpellCard_Other_12
Don't use the second trinket slot. It is buged
NPCs keep hinting to it but I can't find the secret area in the forest (if it even existes), can I get some help
i got you, in the underground tunnel system, in the last room ypu get access to look to the top left of the room and you'll see a leaf you can pull (note: unlike EVERY other version of this, the leaf isn't a different color) simply pull it to reach the golden tree.
Thanks, some of these secrets are very well hidden
I'll say, especially in the sewers, I strait up couldn't find the hidden rooms up in the top left corner until I happened to get a battle in both rooms, which I had to intentionally do after noesbecc told me the location.
It was asked before, but does anyone knows how to open the bottom door on the 3rd floor of Auria Tower? I'm losing my mind
on either floor 4 or 5 where you cant enter 2 of the rooms theres a lever on the bottom right rooms left most wall that will make it disappear and give you access to a pit fall, go through that and you eventually reach the room thats locked from the other side.
thank you so much, I was starting to lose it
no problem.
is the update getting put here as well?
Will be, when the new demo will be polished enough from bugs and etc. I think it will be at the start of 2024.
lookin forward to it
It's as mixamasl said, though "sometime in 2024" is as close as I've got for a release date for now!
Completed the game and now vaccuming locations. I don't get Auria Towers at all - map shows that i'm missing 25-50% of the hidden treasures on several floors, but no matter how much i look at every room, my eyes can't spot anything.
Any hints? Maybe i should somehow interact with the "steam sillouetes"?
Some of the bricks are discolored. Try grabbing these!
I'm thinking about making these bricks a bit more obvious in a future update.
I have noticed them - they are obvious enough already.
Better make the grabbing/scrolling feature itself a bit more obvious, because when you hover your mouse over something you can click - you hear a sound, but grabbing/scrolling doesn't have that.
I had the same thing with the cannons in the night dome - figured that they are moved by scrolling after several attempts to move them while grabbing the "lever" or what was that.
is this also the case in the mushroom sewers? I've been in there for hours trying to find the rest of the sewers and secrets, I found the hidden mushroom puzzle hidden behind the hidden mushroom puzzle but can't for the life of me find it's solution.
If you are talking about the one with the loop symbol, then there is a hidden button on the second room in A2. There's one last mushroom minigame there which is a nightmare to complete so I'll just post the solution here if you don't want to do it right away (Although you will have to, cause there's another hidden room to get in A1 that leads to a treasure that can only be unlocked by succeed the mushroom challenge)
Loop symbole is : Green - Pink - Cyan - Pink - Cyan
where in A2 specifically? one of the tunes, the big mushroom room? is it second to the left or right, top or bottom?
found it thanks to nosebecc, I literally only saw the buttons thanks to a fight occurring in the rooms.
how do i solve the second forest gate also for some reason the first image on the second gate in the forest is not the same as the hint
That's because second gate's code doesn't contain any of the first gate's images, it has it's own ones and you have to look around for them, sometimes solving other puzzles or finding levers/buttons so you could get to them.
I did and I cant seem to get it to work and of Couse the walkthrough ant much help EDIT figured it out for some DUMBASS reason the guide had the right anser marked as a decoy
Your puzzles are way too hard. I got stuck because of a color puzzle. Even using the guide I was confused. I want to buy your game, it oozes quality and passion, but you need to allow an option for stupid people like me. I'm not asking you to tone down the whole game, maybe an easy mode?
Color puzzle where? In the ocean, or in the mushroom area?
in the ocean, after you fall in the pit and need to unlock a door to get back to the main area
I don't remember which color opens the door, but you if you will choose yellow/cyan version, then all you need to do is to replace most of the colors by the gimmick i explaned earlier - you can do it with a red fei pellet which wonders around right side of the screen (place red pellet on top of cyan shard - then do the same by placing a pellet of needed secondary color on top of now red shard), after that there will be at most only one shard of wrong color which you'll need to "fix" by color combining.
Sorry about that... I do plan on adding a hint system for non optional puzzles, but didn't have time for it in this version.
it's fine, your game looks polished af and really good, I enjoyed just about everything but that puzzle lol
After saving the game i get this crash every time i try to edit my party.
action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 2
for object obj_CharaSelectSpellCard:
Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [9009,5] out of range [1,-1] - -7.itemInfo(100002,288288005)
at gml_Object_obj_CharaSelectSpellCard_Other_12
The second trinket slot is currently bugged and will crash the game if any character has something equipped in it. I'm 99% sure this is the crash you're getting.
This will be fixed in the next version, sorry about that!
Yeah, that was the case. Thanks for pointing it out, because that was one of the least expected (for my brain) crash reasons.
Anyone knows where can i find tea set recipes? The only thing i'm missing is the cup. And also i can't get my hands on how to trap enemy's soul into trapper crystal.
If you have a crystal in the inventory, when you see a wisp appear after battle just long-click it. You’ll scoop it into an empty crystal from your bag.
Thank you very much! Played in the 2020 demo, but forgot how to do it after 3 years.
action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 12
for object obj_ChibiPlayer:
trying to index a variable which is not an array
at gml_Object_obj_ChibiPlayer_Other_22
Thank you for the bug reports, I'm working on fixing these ASAP!
There is a bug when you use "my turn?" to fight the second time.
The materials that will drop this way will not appeare on the monster page in the book.
can anyone tell me how to open this door
I encounter a bug when I revive the pirate captain. The cutseen played where she punches rose again and some of my characters were deleted (from night dome and the fox)
hey, whens an updated walk-through of the game coming out, I'm still looking for the last few secrets in the tower.
when i hit the shape with yoyo this happend
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_HeartBulletYoyo:
Unable to find any instance for object index '323990' name '<undefined>'
at gml_Script_update_shape_HP
stack frame is
gml_Script_update_shape_HP (line 0)
Thank you for telling me, I'll look into fixing this!
Can someone give me a hints about how to open doors marked red in auria's tower?

First screenshot - top door is unlocked by popping jumping clouds in the background, how to open the bottom one - no clue.
As for the door on the second screenshot - i think it's about hitting the furthest sphere, but it exceeds sling's maximum range(?). Maybe after some moment we get a tool to move the slings/spheres, but for now i have no clue how to reach it.
Thank you
Second screenshot, in the slingshot room there's a removable brick with another slingshot that allows you to hit the previously unreachable sphere.
If anyone knows how to open the the second door in the first screenshot I would be delighted, I've been stuck on it for ages.
I've tried checking every room and wall in this floor, tried to check for secret passage in the two room above and found nothing, I'm getting quite close from a nervous breakdown here
i found how to open bottom door on first screenshot (sheesh... that took a minute... more like a few hours)
hint: its 2 floors above. and very very hidden so keep your eyes open.
if hint isnt enough and full answer is needed, i'll tell next time then.
Does anyone know how to open the closed door of the town windmill? I'm stuck, I've thought about everything and haven't found a solution.
you need to go in the north east abandoned house in town and look carefully at the leaves on the wall.
ok, so i played tell after the second boss and reset when i realized i wasn't going back any time soon, i want to 100% everything but got to ask, what am I missing in these 3 areas?
finally found everything inwas missing after 2½ hours of searching.
found a hidden switch in the room right above the first pit you can drop down. just need one more hidden thing for this part.
i finialy found patch up combo!
About the new demo - is anywhere an easy way to farm exp for the characters? I know i may sound like crazy and lazy at the same time, but i want to max out everyone, and that's very hard task with how much exp usually drops from enemies and that's only for 1 character out of 4 in entire party (i know others gain some exp too, but i've only see them getting maximum of 10-15 exp), and there are others who are not in it and gain nothing.
Have your main character put the enemy to low or negative HP, then switch to the character you want to level up (click on the cards below) and finish them off by killing a Shape or with a basic move.
When you finish the game, bosses are available to be fought again, they are generally better exp and money.
I know about character fast-switch, using it myself. But one thing remains the same - only one character gets the normal amount of exp, while others get 5-15 as a bonus.
I can't figure out what to do after a practice fight. Explored the entire map, there are no enemies anywhere
Go to the ocean and explore it
When I try to change character in saveroom this pops up
action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 2
for object obj_CharaSelectSpellCard:
Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [9010,5] out of range [1,-1] - -7.itemInfo(100002,288320005)
at gml_Object_obj_CharaSelectSpellCard_Other_12
Sorry about that, this will be fixed in the next update! The second trinket slot is currently bugged. If you've equipped a trinket on any character in that slot, this crash can happen. Unequipping them should prevent it though!
thank you for the answer
Can someone help me with gates in mushrooms in mushroom biome? Should I look for button or lever or is there something else?
Explore around a bit. Every mushroom has a symbol on it. You'll see gates that have this symbol and a combination of colours that should be used in the mushroom with the respective symbol.
You just have to play a minigame before it gives you the answers.
Thank you for the answer but I think you told how to progress the area.
I was asking how to open gates in mushrooms and the answer is to play mushroom smacking minigame fast enough to complete all rounds. If you succeed the light above the gate will glow up.
I cannot rotate cannons. Is there something I need to do or is it a bug?
hold it with the grab hand and and use the mouse wheel
(sorry my english is not the best)
Thank you so much! I wouldn't figure it out.
How many orbs are available in the demo?
There are 12 in total!
Can't figure it out either...
You have to smash them with the crush/alternate cursor ability and they will shine in a certain order, but not all puzzles seems to follow this logic, only some... DK what am not seeing.
Edit: I tried every combination possible in some of them and no luck. Is it bugged out or am I dumb?
Haverping is correct, smashing a star reveals to what star(s) it's supposed to be connected, then to which stars these ones must be linked to, and so on. It might be easier to smash every star and remember which ones are the first to react.
But yeah, these constellation puzzles have been causing a lot of confusion, I'll improve them to make them easier to understand in the future! Sorry about that...
The game was fun, up until the temple, then it just got really weird; very contradictory to what it was before then. Should I just give it another shot? Lack of saving as you go is an issue, too, imo.
Did you find the save room? It should work fine now!
Not sure if anyone else has encountered this issue but the game crashed on me immediately after beating part 2 of the angel fight. The error screen was just blank. Not sure if it was my computer or not.
An updated version has been posted
When will the free version be released?
2 weeks later, cuz now it's only for 2$ subs and higher.
The demo on patreon is unfinished. It should be uploaded here once finished, expect it sometime early next year
Thank you! Yes, that's correct.
I mean, will the 2023 demo version be available here in 2 weeks or only when the full game is released next year (probably)?
The demo is still being developed. The finished demo will be uploaded here once completed, which should be sometime time in 2024. The full game is still a long way off.
It's as General Shrooms said!
This demo will be available here sometime in 2024, once fixed and improved.
The full game doesn't have a release date yet. I'll need another few years of work to finish it.
That's a rare issue that some have encountered yeah, sorry about that. I'm looking into it!
I'm excited to try the new demo after following the journey for so long, but I've run into a little hiccup. Whenever I launch the new demo it opens and displays normally but it seems to launch at the wrong resolution and the cursor is locked to the center of the screen. I saw your post that you've been working on bugs, so is this one you've seen or fixed yet? Aside from that, I hope you can relax a bit after the next bug fix patch, you've definitely earned it.
Thank you very much!
The new version lets you recalibrate at any time by pressing tab, I which should help with this. If not, you could also try deleting the settings.ini file in the BE_Witches folder in Appdata/Local.
There have been other reports of cursor related issues though, which I'll definitely have to look into.
Cuando saldra para steam?
Steam will happen once the public version is ready, sometime in 2024 ^^
with same error as in comments before i can also add issue about storage. when i deposit items, they just gone and storage is empty.
This and the storage issue have been fixed in the new version!
Every time i try to go into the ocean after restarting the game and choosing my save i get this error
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_Map:
Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [1,1] out of range [1,-1] - -7.tempArrayMultiState(100003,32001)
at gml_Object_obj_Map_Draw_0
Sorry about that, this is fixed in the new version!