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This game is awesome! I will gladly buy a full version when it releases. I think you should add an option to change/delete map notes and make location marker more visible. I've collected 3 power orbs, but can't complete fire shards quest. After killing about 20 imps none have dropped, and i still need 2.

Thanks! :D

You can edit notes by clicking on the map, clicking on a room with a note, clicking the note that shows up in the bottom right and then rewritting it.

You need to make item drops, either by destroying the pink star blocks, or by reaching 50 & 100 combos. Each white stars that appears guarantees a drop, though you won't know what it is until after the fight. Also, Saen' Liz drops fire gems commonly ;)

This game is great an all, but it needs a tutorial. Im simply stuck without a clue what to do. Can someone guide me through what to at puzzles with 5 slots either filled with shells or empty circles?

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These are simply hints for a puzzle on B1F, there are 4 such hints scattered around B1F. I do plan adding a hint system for non optional puzzles in the final game

Ah thank you sir, I actually found it out myself too. I really enjoyed your game, albeit I would suggest to drop some clues as some interactions are very specific and some puzzles are very unforgiving as when you are not being able to solve, you are basically stuck. all by all very nice game

Thank you! Fair enough, I'll try to improve my clue game ^^

Alright so thanks to you're help I finally got all the orbs, I need another fairy dust for Rose but Vuu is fully amped, and I gotta say this game is extremely my shit in regard to more power=more size. Will definitely look forward to more of this cute game. Also the changes that happen when you press the button after the boss are Real Nice.

Good job :D

And thanks! glad you enjoyed it!

Having a hard time getting the Fairy Dust for last Amplification, lol. Any tips on how to get combos high (or why some of the drops are super rare)?

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Fairy dust is kinda rare yeah. There are a few tricks yeah, destroying shapes and casting spells doesn't increase the combo but it does reset the combo timer, this allows you to keep the combo going while the grid is refilling. I also recommend the chain spell which increases the combo by 1, you can get it in the shop.

Don't hurry to finish the enemy, burn more oyos, don't let your combo break. When enemy dies with 100+ combo counter drop rate of rare items significantly increasing.

How do I get more rare scales? is it a recepie I havn't found or something else?

Fish spinning is how you can harvest scales from fishes in the ocean, you'll have to look for the green ones to get the rare scales.

Man I'm REAL BAD at the mana shard puzzle in B1 of the ocean and I can't for the life of me figure out any solution.

Which one? One of them is a bit tricky, you'll need to look around the room for a hidden element.

Both the one down the pit in the ocean dungeon and the one down the stairs in the ocean dungeon, I think its the one that needs them to be all purple. The one down the pit is extra painful because it locks you in the area until you solve it.

You need all yellow mana shards for the one down the pit, make sure not to mix yellow and cyan. As for the purple one, the green mana pellets are only there so you can mix them with the wrong shape purple shards.

On another note I assume the soft armband drops from some mob. Also I must be missing something on the shell puzzle because there's still a couple of hints I haven't found.

Yup, the fairy drops it. The shell puzzle with the turtle? There are 4 hints to find, all in B1F.

I am still having trouble opening the cave north east and the sand castle. I tried using spiral sand and the mud girl's arms but it does seem to do anything

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You will be able to open that cave as you explore the ocean dungeon. You were correct in trying to use the spiral sand for the sandcastle, you need to discard it from your inventory and drag & drop it onto the sandcastle.

Thanks, I am also having trouble finding the last fire shard. I found the hidden chest one with the lever but I can't find the last one and I really want to use them to make the last item for the pillar

Fire gems can be dropped by Imps and by Saen' Liz. I believe there is also a non hidden chest containing one on B1F.

For the life of me I cannot open the cave south of the city...Does it have something to do with the lever in the dungeon, that 'locks you in'?

That one is a bit tricky, you can actually open it at the very beginning. You need to use an ability explained in the 'How to play' sign in front of Vuu's house.

I found the purple pillar, the sand castle, and the boss fight orbs, but how do i get a fourth?

There is a pit on the first floor that leads you to a puzzle room with a button above the mana shard slots. There are several solutions to this puzzle, and the cyan one leads you to the last orb.

Got it, thanks :3

How do you complete the sand castle puzzle?

You'll need an item sometime dropped after shape fights. After that, discard it from your inventory and drag & drop it onto the sandcastle.

i'm pretty sure i'm stuck. i've explored all the rooms of the first dungeon, or as far as i can tell, at least. i'm lost as what to do!

ok i think i need to flip some switches? but this is living HELL with nightmare being a guaranteed spawn every time i come to that room

Yeah I'm sorry about that, Nightmare isn't supposed to spawn every time, I fixed this in the last update (18 01 2020). Once you beat her, there is a lever you can flip in that same room which opens a path that allows you to go up. After that, you can click the stairs to go down a floor.

Is there a solution to the purple totem puzzle with this update?

You need to insert the correct items in the correct slots in the purple totem east of town. You'll find other purple totems above water which reveal the solution. One of these is a bit tricky to find, in the cave south of town. You need to use an ablility explained in the 'How to play' sign in front of Vuu's house.

when i went to full screen for some reason the mouse cursor was being pulled to the right and i had to redownload the game

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This cursor is being problematic... Sorry about that, I'll work on fixing it. If it happens again, you can edit the "settings" file and set "fullscreen" to 0 instead of 1. This file is in appdata/local/BE_Witches (version date). Make sure to show hidden files to find it.

Could you tell me what your screen's resolution is?

my screen resolution is 1366x768 (and sorry for late response i forgot my password lol)

Hah no problem, thank you! This bug should be fixed in the latest version.

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The mouse, get stuck in the top right corner and can't be moved, ,EDIT it can be moved but will snap right back to the corner

Does this happen in the very first screen? I'll look into it right now.

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im actually having the same issue, normal windows 10, tried a few things to try and remedy this, as I seen noone else reporting it till this

However, mines stuck in the top left, but same issue, if you move the mouse real fast, you can click the next button, but it just snaps back to the top left 

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Interesting, My resolution was 2560x1440 144Hz monitor with Gsync

If I set my resolution to 1920x1080, I have total control over the game it seems

So that was my fix, I loaded the game with 1920x1080 as my resolution. Found the settings in the game, and turned off full screen. Quit. Set my resolution to what it normally is, and that worked out (I wanted it windowed anyways :p). Hope that helps both of you out!

(3 edits)

Thanks for the info! I'm working on it right now, should be fixed in a bit.

edit: Just uploaded a new version. the bug should be fixed. It's bit hard for me to actually check since it's screen resolution related.

Thanks again for reporting this! If anyone gets another cursor or resolution related bug (or any bug really), please post it here or send me an e-mail so I can fix it ASAP ^^

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Please continue to develop this game, I thoroughly  enjoyed the demo and would totally pay money for a full version!


Thank you, I will! And it will be waaay better than it is now :)

Ah hello! It looks like a very cute game, but for some reason, I keep getting this prompt when i try and play the game:

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: shdr_White

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_obj_Title_Draw_0

Any idea what I should do?

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Sorry about the delay!

Take a look at the readme I included in the game folder, it contains a link to some drivers you might be missing.

If it still doesn't work, I'll take a more in depth look at the problem, but I won't be able to do so before another week, since I have limited Internet access right now... sorry :s

edit: here is a link that could also help you, it's for Downwell (great game btw), but the issue you're having is a pretty classic Game Maker problem:

Interesting concept. It's especially interesting for me that as you level up, some changes become rather noticeable, which helps uh... indicate your level

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Hard to believe that the goblins were easy-peasy but the weird beige girl was constantly healing and I couldn't beat her! Still though, I can see very much potential for this game. (Add sum more boobies, though!) It reminds me of Deep Space Waifu it the way it incorporates fun gameplay with 18+ content. Lastly, I made a vid of my gameplay. Enjoy.

Thanks! It was very interesting to see you learn how to play, though I guess I should make it more obvious that you don't have to select adjacent blocks, and that you can select more than 2 at once as well. The mud elemental heals all the time but has low HP, meaning you can easily overwhelm her by casting 3 or 4 fire spells at once.

Also yeah, there will be many more boobies.

are there still updates coming to this game??


Yes there are! It's taking a bit of time since I am working on it alone, but I'm making progress little by little. The next update will be a big one, but I can't say exactly how long it will take for now.

Thans for asking :)

thank you for the reply. i look forward t it. also if your looking for a composer i may have someone of interest

Well I can't say much about this game... IT'S AMAZING!!! The art style is beautiful and I can't get enough of the fast paced, on the edge of my chair game play! You are doing great on what your doing and I would love to support it in anyway!

Well then again just a small request can you make the area a little bigger? It would be even better roaming around like a 20 tile area!

Thank you so much! This is still a very early version of the game, which is why there are so few rooms with not too much to do in them, but I plan for the areas to be waaay bigger in the final game. There will be more monstergirls, more heart eaters, more blocks, more spells... Better everything, pretty much. I'm allocating as much of my time as I can to the game, and I'm hoping to have a big update ready in a few months.

I've also added a few links at the beginning of the description in case you want to know more about B.E. Witches.

Again, thank you, your comment means a lot to me! I'll keep doing my best! :)

You know I've always wanted to have a conversation with a game dev. But I know your very busy with all your crap and stuff like that, heck I tried having a conversation with a Youtuber but she was way too overwhelmed by her friends that she didn't really want to speak with me because it would be cringe like or something? Anyway I would and if possible WILL do anything to give in support. I would love to be one of your patreons or something but since I don't have a credit card and well if I used someone else's then they would be very confused why they're giving money to someone who is making a game about monster girls with huge breasts and butts. But if there is anyway possible I can contribute to improving the game. I would gladly help.

Ha X) Yeah that would be weird for sure, no problem. :)

Well since you are so adamant about helping me (thank you!), I guess I do have some trouble when it comes to spreading the word about B.E. Witches. Maybe you'd have some suggestion?

Let's not continue this discussion in the comments however, you can send me a mail at, or a pm on Patreon or whatever.

How can i get a new monster girl?

I'll add more in future updates, and each one of them will be recruitable. Sadly I don't have as much time I can spend on B.E. Witches as I would like, so I can't say when exactly this will happen. Probably in a few months, but don't hold me to that.

There is more info on my Patreon if you're interested, and I do weekly updates there as well :

Nice game play can be fast or slow rilly fun game keep up the good work man!


How do i save my game?

You can't in this version, as saves haven't been implemented yet.

It's not a bad start but a control guide would be greatly appreciated.

Yeah I need to work on a tutorial, the game feels a bit overwhelming right now.

Saw you post this on a game dev thread in /v/, and holy shit, is it relevant to my interests.

HAving that said, GODDAMn you make me work for the 'levels.' I need to try again later, but I couldn't get past level 4. AND I KNOW things get more 'intense' after level 4.

Your webm on /v/ showed as such.

I'm really looking forward to progress on this game.

I'm glad you like it!

Level 4 is actually the last level in this demo, and yeah, I didn't realise how hard it was at the time. This demo is actually pretty outdated by now, I'm working as hard as I can to have a new one ready by november which will give a better idea of how the game is going to work as a whole, not only the fights. 

Thanks for the support!

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