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I was wondering, how to remove all the progress to start a new game?


There will be an easy way to delete your save file in the next demo, but for now you have to do it manually by going to AppData/Local and deleting the BE_Witches folder. Sorry about that!

I must admit you have done an incredible job and i believe this game has quite a large potential and im extremely  hyped for the full release!!! I especially like that the game is very enjoyable even without the BE and that the BE just makes it much better. Also i really enjoy the little puzzles and can only wonder what else have you got prepared for us 


Thank you! I'm trying my hardest to make it a good game that can stand on its own even without the BE elements, so that makes me really happy ^^

I do have a lot of new puzzles and surprises in preparation for the next version, I hope you'll like them :B

Such a charming, cute little game so far! I love it!

Thank you! ^^

Have you updated the public release game this year or just for patreon?


The demo is the same as the Patreon one. I'm working on a new demo which should be ready near the end of 2021! I'll release it 2 weeks earlier on Patreon though.

Do you thinking about remake the walkthrough?

Probably not, the current one has everything you need I think ^^

This game looks pretty fun and I want to try it out, but whenever I try to go past the first screen (the patreon/twitter links and music credit one) I get this error:

 FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shdr_ItemShine

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_obj_Title_Draw_0

Im getting this error with all three versions of the game (installer, .zip, and cheat versions) 


Chances are you're missing a few drivers, this should fix it:

(4 edits)

Okay so I've played through most of the demo now, I reached the ending and got 3 out of 5 ranks unlocked. There's certainly a bit left to explore but I'll save that for the next releases sometime in the future.

All in all it's a great concept and I think that's what we're all falling in love with. The atmosphere is captivating. The only obvious improvement that could be made in this area is to add more content and making the backgrounds of the land and ocean less repetitive so it doesn't feel like you have to look for what has changed. Of course a lot of it has to do with that the background scenes are not interactable, simply adding a few more things to do, interacting with buildings for example, would make the areas feel more personal and less flat.

The characters look great, although I don't understand why the human female has her back turned to the camera.  With that being said, please, don't fall down the rabbit hole of creating time consuming HD art for everything. Unless you have a budget for comissioning this to other artists I advice you to be very sparesome with the time you put into painting. The ability to interact with the small figures is worth so much more in the end and that's what brings the game experience. I honestly only looked at the HD art when lvling up. Perhaps you should make physical changes to the characters sprites as well?

The overall dialogue was stellar in the beginning of the game, but after you went into the ocean there was no further interaction with your companion which I missed a lot. I think that having a character development between these two characters is absolutely crucial for the success of this game. 

There's too little erotic content. I know, it's a personal preference, but no one is going to hate on seeing a bit of nipple and booty here and there. Custom panties? Now that'd be an upgrade.

Beyond appearance and the feeling of the game, I have a word or two to say about the game mechanics. 

1# It's way too easy. The combo meter is too forgiving, refreshing every time you make a click on anything in the game really. There should be some kind of health punishment for breaking a combo in my opinion, gaining items is not enough of a carrot to do well since that currently only relies on the overall balance of the game, which is nonexistent. You need the gamer to understand what kind of items they can receive from a certain boss and then actually really want that item to be dropped for this to work. Until you've introduced this kind of balance, the combos are pretty much pointless. You know guitar-hero? They made it jarring to lose a combo, that's what I think you need to implement. Along with that just up the difficulty a bit, make the characters strong and have the lvls reflect that. I should have a difficult time defeating the end boss who is lvl 14 when I am lvl 10. 

Also, I was completely unable to read their next spells and observe what was triggering next because there's so much on the screen at all times. You should make the character flash in certain colors to really warn the player that something is about to happen, and not rely on them reading the text of the spell, because they won't have time to do that. I was thinking maybe you could pause the game a bit for a small character animation when they do attacks. Perhaps that'd help.

2# Like other people on here said, the low level characters are slightly annoying. I understand you're going for a bit of a pokemon style for that, and it could work, but without me feeling like "At least I am gaining some coins so i can buy that item I want sooner" you're not making it work.

3# The pacing of the game is nearly nonexistent. I get recipes all the time but I have no reason to craft anything because I keep winning everything without upgrading and there's no quests to craft, and I almost complete the game before I find the final fire shard for the first quest you're introduced to... I have a ton of fun looking items in my inventory but I'm just wondering why am I not able to do anything with them? I'm thinking maybe you just drew the items before finding a purpose for them, but I'm not sure.

I noticed that most of the items simply give you bonuses currently, like the torch giving you 15 health or something. That's boring as fuck. I thought I would be able to swing it around and light up a cavern or something to progress you know? I honestly hope it's just a placeholder with the small benefits. I don't need several low level items that increase my stats because once I gain something better all of those items become obsolete.

I hope you can continue to make improvements and I look forward to the next update. It's a lot of fun for what it currently is, but obviously there's going to be areas to improve this early on.


Oh damn that's a big review, thank you! I'll try to answer as much stuff as I can in the same order.

I'll be honest, I don't understand hat first point very well. I get that some rooms look alike, which is especially true of the ocean since it's more designed as a dungeon, but I feel like most rooms in the city are pretty identifiable overall. Of course I'd love for each room to be completely unique, but that would sadly take way too much time to do. That being said I am working on an slightly updated visual style, which should make the rooms easier to understand. What did you have in mind when you said interacting with buildings?

The art definitely takes a while, but it's also a big part of the game. I do plan on hiring other artists to help me with it eventually! And yes, I'd like the chibis to change depending on the character's rank as well, though only for rank 1, 3 and 5 in most cases, for time reasons. Also I just wanted Rose to have backboob, that's about it. She might get an alt sprite eventually, we'll see.

Thank you! I do plan to add more dialogue and character development. To be fair, this version is more of a proof of concept, this isn't the actual beginning of the game, for the most part.

That's where the character art comes into play! There will be some booty, but no nipples/genitalia. Custom panties?

I'm glad to hear you found it easy! I've actually heard the opposite most of the time. If the combo meter didn't refresh when destroying a shape / casting a spell, it would be impossible to maintain a combo when refreshing the grid. Items are one reason to reach a high combo, the second one in this version is to be able to use combo spells, which is something I need to make more clear. There are also other reasons to get a high combo in the new version I'm working on (which will also make it more of a hit to lose it), but that's for later. Also, eery fight in this demo only has 4 block colors, but there will be up to 6 in total, along with more special blocks and effects, so I think the combo system is at a pretty good place currently. I disagree with knowing in advance which items you can get from which monster however. The almanach indicates how many different items can be found on a monster and indicates which ones you've found, so it's up to the player to discover what can be obtained from which monster. As for the difficulty, the game will be easier than this demo at first, and will become harder after a point. To be honest the level I gave to each enemy was somewhat of an afterthought for this demo. Then again since skill plays a big part, it's actually possible to beat the demo at level 3 or so, the stats are only a factor. Again, you're one of the few I heard saying the demo was too easy.

Visibility is definitely a problem yeah, I've improved the UI a lot for the next demo which should make it more easily readable, flashing the enemy's sprite or deforming it in some way is good idea! I'll definitely keep that in mind ^^

There is actually a trick to avoiding random encounters, but yes, there will be a few ways to instantly dispatch them.

That's because this demo is more of a proof of concept, which is why I didn't bother too much with balancing absolutely everything. I'll do my best so that's not a problem in the next demo and final game! For now the items are mostly for alchemy purposes.

That's just how equipment works in this game, as it does in most RPGs. Some items will be required to solve certain puzzles, and sometimes these items may be equipment, but yeah I recommend selling or storing equipment you don't need anymore in general. I don't plan to change that!

And I think that about covers everything! Thanks a lot for taking the time to write this, you brought up a bunch of interesting point ^^ I'll make the next version as good as I possibly can!


That's a most disappointing reply. But thanks for responding.


Seems like a pretty good review and a pretty long reply discussing most points without the usual developer hyperdefensiveness...what did you find disappointing?

I was genuinely trying to help this aspiring developer to accomplish something greater than what they had in mind, as I believe was reflected in my thorough comment, but they completely disregarded my feedback. That's evidence of poor critical thinking and that this game wont ever become anything greater than a small game... I respect that they responded without anger but that's only one part of what a good developer needs when it comes to accepting feedback. Setting the bar so low that you're happy with a someone who doesnt get mad isn't beneficial for anyone. 

I've played hundreds of ecchi games in my life and I am a programmer myself so I know what sells. Everything I said would be an increadible boost to their game, despite the humoristic twist I used to be lighthearted in my critisism. 


Bless you for appreciating backboob.



(2 edits)

I have a few questions. What are the purple pillars for? I found one of those blue coconut shells which seem to be inprinted on one but discarding it and placing it on there doesnt do anything nor does using the item do anything.

Also the sand castle thingie, I've found spiral sand but the same story there. I wonder, have I found the wrong items? If not, then how do I use them?

How do I craft things? ( I found an emblem and found out this is how I craft, I didnt know what alchemy was)

Most of the purple pillars are hints to figure out what goes in the empty purple pillar east of Sablee, not too far from the beach.

You got it right for the sandcastle, but the hitbox for where to drop the sand is a bit wonky, that's something I need to fix. You have to drop it precisely on a part that's already built, the middle won't work. Sorry about that...

Now that you have the emblem you'll be able to craft, you just need to talk to Eveii, one room to the right of the big red crystal in Sablee. She has "alchemy" written over her head ^^

There's also a walkthrough here:

It should have everything you need ^^

Woooow I could rank up all along...??? LOL thanks


lol yeah, a lot of stuff will be explained better in the next demo and introduced over time as well.

Playing against a zombie/mummy




action number 1

of  Step Event1

for object obj_PuzzleCursor:

Unable to find any instance for object index '135746' name '<undefined>'

at gml_Object_obj_PuzzleCursor_Step_1



Gaah this damn bug again, I've been trying to find its origin for a while now, but this points to a place that doesn't actually contain any code, which is the weirdest thing. I haven't been able to recreate it myself either.

It had only happened to one person so far as far as I know, so it's "good" to know it's not on his side only.

Thank you for reporting it, I'll look into it some more. If I still can't figure it out however it might have to wait until the next version...

(3 edits)

I was clicking desparetely around the middle of the screen moving the blobs around while tons of enemies were attacking me , there was a large empty spot where I was clicking (cleared blobs) that tried to be filled, and all my senses told me that this level of animation might just make it crash (since it's a small game) but as soon as I realized that, it did. I don't know exactly which part was triggering it but I feel like it all added together to become a buggy mess. I run this on windows, fullscreen mode. I might have clicked outside of the screen during all of this since I have dual monitors (you should make the cursor forced inside of the window on fullscreen mode as well) but I am not entirely sure~ Oh and I was playing as Rose

Either way, I love the game you've made. I love clicking around on things and it surprises me how many things you've made clickable and the amount of details you've put in but at the same time I demand even more of just that. The ocean is way too silent for my liking, since you go from such a colorful place on land and then you feel alone and isolated as soon as you step into the ocean. Please add better catchier music for the ocean as well (although keep the theme), it will do a whole lot! I'll continue playing it and probably come along with a full review later on. 

5/5 I'd buy the finished product. 

ps - The image where you toggle the characters invisible and visible is amazing.

Oh thank you very much ^^

Huh, so that occured right in the middle of a fight... I thought it only happened at the very end, if you're about to win. Locking the cursor did give me a lot of trouble surprisingly, I had to go with unlocked cursor in fullscreen in a multi screen setup at the time. It's been fixed since then though, so you won't have to worry about that once the next version comes out ^^

I've also redone the whole fight puzzle mechanics. I haven't been able to figure out this bug since it was discovered and sadly I might not be able to for this version since it's so hard to recreate, however I'm hoping the improved puzzle machanics will get rid of it in the next version. Of course if I can find out where the bug comes from before the next version, I'll fix it right away.

The ocean is pretty silent, but I like it that way! The ocean track is also my personnal favorite. Not by much, but still ^^ I do plan to add a few NPCs however, and the tracks have also been improved a bit since then, the ocean one in particular. They'll be implemented in the next version. You can listen to the final versions here:

So yeah, thanks a lot! I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^

Will we be able to update our version without restarting from scratch once it releases?

No, this demo is more of a proof of concept, to show off what the game is like and such. The next one will contain the actual beginning of the game, so that's not a possibility.


Vuu is a ghost.

Oh! Weird, not sure how that happened.

Did she eventually reappear? Do you know when it occured?

I think why.

The revive button may make the character invisible.

I used this button again and Vuu visible again, but later both of them become invisible.


By revive button, do you mean the one between the arrows and the map?

The button that revive both bosses and send back the start.

Aah that one! I'm dumb.

But that's good to know, thank you very much! I'll look into it!

I probably won't fix it in this version since it's not a game crashing bug, but I'll make sure it doesn't happen in the next one. ^^

What is is the 20 08 2020 portable?


It's a version of the game you don't need to install.

Cant tell if that was helpful or rude?

(1 edit) (+2)

I didn't consider it could be viewed as rude, it's a very simple answer!
The portable version of the game doesn't require to be installed, that's all it is. It's the same game as the install version.

edit: Ah! Or did you mean because you asked about a mobile version before? Sorry If I gave you false hopes, I just figured it was a better name than "archive", which is what I called it before.

Well dangit, thanks for clearing this up btw


No problem ^^

was trying to figure out how this was rude, but then I got it lol. you thought he ment "well dont install it then trashbag" when he said one you dont have to install? XD

Ooh that's why, lol yeah this didn't even cross my mind. I'll have to be more careful ^^

I loved your game.

First of all, the overall sprites and aesthetics of the game are just out of this world. To my experience ,it is something unique! The monster battles feel satisfying as well.  The interactivity with the environment makes it worth exploring every cranny of it. There is still much to see until this game is completed raising expectations for it.

The only negative thing I could say is the random encounters with monsters that are of lower level making its less replay-able. Although, I'm sure that when there are more objectives in the full game or the next demo, these will be overshadowed.

And for this review I've put all the BE-related stuff aside.

This is one of the few projects that I'd like to somewhat support. Nonetheless, I'm definitely going to buy it when it is fully released.

Also, If I may ask. In the non-cheat demo, how can you acquire any power orbs?

Thank you so much!

Yeah the random encounters can be a problem. There will be a few ways to instantly remove fights in the next demo. ^^

The power orbs are hidden in several places. One requires you to solve the purple totem puzzle, one is at the very end of the ocean dungeon, one is received after completing the sandcastle, and the last one is obtained after solving a mana shard puzzle, the one with several solutions found after falling in the ocean's 1st floor pit.

There is a full walkthrough here, if you want :

Thank you again! ^^


I spent so many time, searching for good BE games, since high quality being observed only in feed fetish, and it looks like i found a pearl among the dirt. 

There is objectively nothing to criticize

Scenario - dont really needed

Gameplay - complicated, but not annoyingly hard. 

Attention to details - awesome.

Wish you luck in developing, and hope to find other BE games as good as this. 

Eh I think some things can be criticized in the demo, but I've done my best to adress them all for the next version ^^

Still, thank you very much! I'll keep doing my best!

Any news about a mobile version?


Sorry, there are no plans for a mobile version. I don't believe it would work very well on mobile to be honest, gameplay wise.

Never say never I guess, but I wouldn't count on it.

Thanks for the reply! But I'm sad to hear it, I was kinda hoping to be able to play this.

I've played the game for a few minutes now and I gotta say. this is one of the few games I wouldn't have a problem buying. I saw its in early access on steam and I've put it on my wishlist

Oh thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^

There is still a lot of work to be done before the next version, but it will be way better!



Btw, what does BE stands for?


It means Breast Expansion

Nightmare was relatively easy. I was level 7 when I found a level 15 imp but what killed me was a Shape battle. Can't stand those. Could You remove the shark like enemies that follow you?? At least make them slower. I find them to be the hardest enemies so far and the main reason I lost the shape battle. Also perhaps You could add arrows to the battle tutorial to show where is  something, I was lost for a while looking for the buttons. Also, I think the life bar for the scarecrow should not replenish that fast, for a moment I thought the attack spells were not working.

All in all I liked it.




The tutorial will be heavily improved in the next version, as well as the shape battles. The shark will stay as it is, but the mechanics will be introduced over time so you'll be able to learn how to deal with them more easily. Charged shots are especially effective against groups of shark ^^

how do i use cheats in cheat version


There are no cheat codes, the cheat version allows you to rank up the characters easily at the big red crystal and unlocks all the alchemy recipes so you can try to solve them all without gathering the ingredients.

Is there any way to restart, reset or go back to the beginning of the game I've played it for a long time and I don't remember what I already did and what I haven't done and I would like to start over


There will be an easy way to delete your save file in the next demo, but for now you have to do it manually by going to AppData/Local and deleting the BE_Witches folder. Sorry about that!

just wondering when and what will be in the next update

also there is no need to rush the update take your time


Thank you ^^
I'll still domy best to get the next demo out as soon as possible!

It will be out this year in 2021, but I don't want to give a precise date until I know can meet it.
What I can say is that it is still at least 5 months away. I also use my Patreon as a dev blog basically, in case you're interested!


Is there a way to make the game fullscreen? I feel like I'm missing something super obvious. 


You can go fullscreen in the settings tab. Click on the trilobite in the bottom left while in the overworld to open the inventory, and then select the settings tab at the top right!

I knew I was missing something. I had a feeling it was in the settings, but I couldn't find the settings. Thank you so much.

No problem ^^

I'll make sure to explain it in the next version.

(1 edit)

Awesome. Glad I was able to help in that regard at least! Also, one more quick question. Is this an h-game? I don't really care if it is. It doesn't bother me. I downloaded it because the gameplay looked interesting, I'm mainly asking so that I know whether it's safe to play it if other people are in the room. Roommates don't care if you have scantily clad anime girls in the living room. Roommates do care if you have hentai in the living lol. I didn't notice anything on the about page differentiating either way.


No, it's not an h game! It does have scantily clad anime girls and BE, but no actual nudity or sex scenes.

Show post...

so sweet


Thank you ^^

How do i progress in the game? i need help


Where exactly are you stuck?

I recommend the walkthrough if you're not sure what's left to do:

(1 edit)

Well i got stuck were to continue the story.Becouse after the caracter wakes up in the game i got stuck after getting 2 fire gems and getting another quest from a person i think

tho were do i find the embel?

You need to go in the ocean for now. You'll be able to find more gems there, and the emblem as well!

i need some help again.wat do i put hre?

Is there a faster/easier way to kill the nightmare? cause ive been grinding for like an hour to get to lvl 10 and still cant. like i get shes level 11, but this just seems a bit much...

should point out: im using a green attack spell, a red attack spell, and a blue heal spell, all on vuu


Your spell selection is good, that's what I usually go for. There are a few things you could do:

- Buy better equipment in the shop if possible.

- Buy and equip combo spells (in the combometer menu). If you reach a combo that matches an equipped spell by clearing blocks quickly, that spell will appear above the combo count. Click it (or lose your combo), and that spell will be cast for free. Basically equip combo spell > reach corresponding combo > get free spell.

- Last but not least, amplification. This is slightly spoilery if you want to do everything on your own, but there are 4 rank up orbs hidden in the demo. For each one you find, you'll be able to rank up at the big red crystal in Sablee, which allows you to equip more spells/relics/trinkets. You can find 2 of these orbs at this point, but I'll let you decide if you want to find them by yourself or look them up in the walkthrough ( The walkthrough also contains some more advice for fighting Nightmare. ^^

That being said I realize that Nightmare is a sudden difficulty spike, sorry about that. I'll make sure everything is introduced slowly over time in the final version of the game!


Did you beat her? Shape management is half the battle!

(1 edit) (+1)

Good job on the recent developers log, really appreciate all the hard work! Fingers crossed for some news in the NewYear!


Thank you! ^^

The next demo is still a few months away, but I'll make sure to share a release date as soon as I have one I know for sure I can meet!


Holy shit dude whoever made this it's literally the best game on this damn site I would love to see the full release, hell if you want help creating anything honestly hmu the shit is amazing

lol thanks, glad you like it!
I'm still working on it but if you can think of any way to spread the word about it I'd definitely appreciate that! ^^

Deleted 2 years ago

There's no ingame option to do so yet, so for now you'll have to go to AppData/Local and delete the BE_Witches folder to start over!

Deleted 2 years ago

I will! Thank you!

Sorry if I exclaim a lot with bugs and all that, the game fascinates me, it is excellent in almost everything, I have only reached the first boss and I have loved almost everything.

The electrifying, flowing and rhythmic music that this game brings; The super cute graphic design of the protagonists, a gameplay very similar to that of undertale (with the theme of moving to avoid enemy attacks while protecting your soul and shooting the enemy figures) but with gem-moving games (such as candycrush ) and casting spells (as if it were an RPG game), it seems like a game phenomenon in all that.

The bad thing that I find with the game is how little 'versatile' the game can become in terms of configuration, such as not being able to play only with the keyboard (on PC) or that you cannot change certain buttons (such as moving For the stage with WASD or not being able to leave the automatic trigger of the Right Click, you have to keep space for that). The brightness and the color tone that you cannot change (although with that I exaggerate a bit xD). If it is very short it can be quite disappointing or if all the skills and monsters are the same it can become boring (although I do not ask you for impossible things either)

If it weren't a fetish game, I'm not exaggerating that it could even make it to the Nintendo Switch. In summary, the game seems great to me but the bugs and the lack of versatility damage it. The game is yours and is very good being an indie, you can take the suggestions from the comments or not, Good luck with your game and I hope you are recognized as a good developer, that is my criticism of this hidden gem :3


Oh thanks! Nah it's no problem at all, I appreciate it ^^

Of course there is still a lot of room for improvement, with this being a demo and all. I want there to be more varied spells for sure, both for the player and monsters. Also it's true that the automatic trigger could be toggled on/off, instead of having to hold the space key! I hadn't thought of that. Moving around with WASD would be good too. I'll change this later, though maybe not for this current version but instead for the next one.

But yeah thank you! I'll do my best to make it as good as I can. :D

The shark crashes the game

I'm not too sure what you mean... Did you get an error message?

(1 edit)

This enemy, I can't fight him; This happens if i fight him.

The black background is not supposed to happen, but does clicking on the VS heart work?

I assume your second pic contained more info, but the link seems to be broken and I can't see it...

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object obj_HEFightController:

Variable obj_HEFightController.timer_intro(100567, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_HEFightController_Step_0

That's the code that appears

Thank you! I'll look into fixing that bug as soon as I get the time to do so ^^

Are you maybe playing on the cheat version? If so, there is a chance that this bug won't occur in the normal version.

(1 edit)

How can safe my progres?
10 minutes later...
Ok, I know where it is saved, but can you put a save point in the starting room, please?

Sorry, I don't plan on adding a save point in the starting room since the current one is very close by.


I made an account just to stay up to date on this. I played the demo, expecting it be some half-baked game made in 15 minutes with no forethought put into it. Boy was I wrong. Just to be clear, I am ignoring the whole BE thing, mainly because it's just not my cup of tea. I am, however, focusing on the gameplay, the visuals, and the audio. This game looks like it has a lot of heart put into, and it shows. Everything is so colorful and vibrant and it's adorable. The battle mechanics are difficult for me as I have a neurological disorder, but I've managed worse before. Still, it is a lot of fun to fight enemies. I enjoy the point and click style of exploration. I often found myself just clicking random things to see what they did. That's how I accidentally found out that clicking the main characters causes them to react. The audio is very fun to listen to. Very very fun to listen to. The artwork is outstanding, so much so that I often just looked looked for battles, just so I can see the characters' in full. There's a lot this game is doing well, and I really look forward to seeing the full release. Ps: I would totally pay 20 bucks for the completed game when it's finished. Anyway, keep up the good work, NoseBecc!!!

Whoa thank you! BE is a part of the game, but the game itself matters just as much to me, if not more. I'm really happy you enjoyed it! The fights will be more manageable at first in the actual game, they're a bit brutal in the demo. I'll try my best to make it as good and fun as possible ^^

Thank you again!

I cant play, help me D:
FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: shdr_ItemShine

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_obj_Title_Draw_0

Oh damn I didn't get notified of your comment, sorry about that.

You're probably missing a few drivers, this should be fixed once you install them:

THX <3

will this be availible on mobil

Probably not, I don't plan to work on a mobile version.

Oooorrrpps... I did something with the keyboard?
Was trying out the pad mode and was clicking the F key along with tapping the pad input. Unsure if that is what caused this though.
I went over and clicked on the Dummy's first attack then.. BLOOP!

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object obj_TrainingPuzzleMonster:

Variable obj_TrainingPuzzleMonster.obj_CursorPuzzle(100920, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_TrainingPuzzleMonster_Step_0

It is 100% the training dummy! If you turn on the ability it crashes as soon as the bar loads!

Ooh indeed, thank you! I'll fix that in a bit!


So far I have been ADORING this game, but I do have a slight issue, on my computer I only have a touch pad, which can make rotating objects very difficult other than getting a mouse, is there an alternate way to rotate things?


Thank you!

Sorry, that's not possible in the version you're playing, but I've already implemented an alternative way to rotate items, right click and middle click, by using the WASD keys, the left alt key and the left shift key respectively for the next version.

Though I suppose I could update the current demo with this addition... There is a chance you won't be able to transfer your save file to the updated version though, but if that's ok with you, I'll do it!


As long as it wouldn't be too much trouble for you to do so, it would be nice. 


Ok! I'm on it then.

I was a bit tired when I answered yesterday and realized I probably should do it anyway, so it's no problem.

This is such a good game, I've put so many hours in it. The combat itself is fun, which caught me by surprise. Can't stress just how much I love this game!

Aw thank you, that makes me really happy! ^^

I'll do my best to make it even better!

Do I smell a new demo coming? Sounds like some good stuff on the patreon post!


Yeah that was definitely a lot of work taken care of ^^

There are still a few mechanics and various fixes/improvements to be implemented. Since I also want more content of all kinds for the next demo however (areas, monstergirls, shapes, spells etc...), that means it won't be out before at least another few months o:

Any ETA?

(1 edit)

I wouldn't be able to tell you right now, but I wouldn't expect the full game to be ready before 2 years at least. The next demo should happen before that though!

upon opening the file i get this error message anything i should do to fix it? ############################################################################################
FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: shdr_ItemShine

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_obj_Title_Draw_0

You're probably missing a few drivers, this should be fixed once you install them:

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