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I've been wondering about the items that are dropped by witch bosses in the final version of the game, is there any way to farm these items in some kind of revenge system? Or in another system like Rose's stick drop?

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I'm not sure in what way exactly, but there will be a better way to get them yes ^^

Will chibi art be added for the remaining characters (which are obtained only after defeating Nightmare) in the demo version? Or will they be added only at the release (or in some future exclusive builds, if any)?

I would like to add them in the demo version asap, but it will take a bit of time ^^

I understand that the same thing can apply to the ultimate attacks of the characters (since everyone except the main ones just have a fire attack)?

Correct! They'll all have their own unique skill eventually


Just finished the demo, and holy hell was this an awesome experience! I'd probably give it an 8-9/10. This will be fairly long, covering things I picked up on during my playthrough, alongside things I felt could be adjusted.

--- Art

I loved pretty much all of it! It's oozing charm from every corner of the screen. From the unique interfaces such as Trix being the inventory (also tying into the games lore! The game does this a BUNCH and gives it so much points in my book) to the simple charm of getting additional effects from clicking objects, the game makes it fun enough to just simply click around the screen or just well, look at it.

A friend of mine had made the comparison that the overworld section of the game looks similar to Super Paper Mario's aesthetic, which I'd say shines through in areas like Biscotti with the geometric cliff faces/rocks contrasted by the softer chibi sprites and flora, and the red/yellow seaweed in the Sablee depths.

The pixie just sort of looks off to me in comparison to the rest of the characters. Smallish head alongside the hips just set off the anatomy alarms in my head.

Minor, but Rose looks on edge constantly cause of the small pupils lol. I get the direction ofc but it'd help if the girl's eyes calmed down a tad in some frames. And is her tattoo meant to be missing in her artwork? Can't exactly tell if the tattoo transforms directly into the claws or if it projects them.

--- Music

Again, holy heck all of it is awesome! I'd say its almost the main reason I stuck with the game. It's never repetitive or overbearing,  This is what made *me* think of SPM, rather coincidentally. I was shocked finding out RRThiel worked on this, which is probably *why* it reminds me of the game come to think of it :P.

The only track that rubbed me the wrong way was the Biscotti Tunnels theme. The bass track is too in front and doesn't really mesh well with the rhythm/tempo of the rest of the track.

--- Plot

I was NOT expecting to be so endeared by the writing in this game my god. Everything just flows so damn well, I kept noticing mechanics and justifications being weaved seamlessly into the plot, such as T losing her limbs after the escape sequence justifying why you don't have access to her until Biscotti, the subtle shooter mechanic tutorialisation with the festival and more. The angel segment was a neat and sudden subversion of the game's vibes, although it's a bit silly that you can just decide to go the wrong way back and trigger it anyways.
The game's exposition rarely if ever feels out of place, and the game takes the time to justify itself when it does happen (Vuu never having died before and thus not being as knowledgeable about the festival and titans, Rose being an isekai victim and all etc.).

The game dries out on dialogue and direction pointers after the Cerelea/Myacine fights; I was slightly confused after completing biscotti tunnels on what to do since it was a fairly long dungeon, and there's not really any introduction sequence to the Night Dome. Just something like a small reminder to also beat up the blob in the plains after freeing Biscotti. Subtle skill issue, though.

--- Gameplay

-- Exploration (Point & Click / Dungeon Crawler sequences)

I'd already said it but there's soooo many things to click and get feedback on its so damn entertaining. The puzzles stay relatively challenging and unique throughout, and a lot of rewards are hidden pretty well and out of immediate sight.

Foraging is neat, and a nice way to pad rooms that don't have a treasure or secret inside.

It would be nice if the map had a metroid-style system to show if you've missed/completed a secret in a room (ideally only after completing the dungeon) and to mark resource areas. Having notes is good for this but it would be nice to have the game mark this down for you automatically.

Stealth mode doesn't feel like it has enough of an impact on encounter rates (as in, it is rather annoying to need a fei inhibitor to get the rates I'd sort of expect with just stealth alone). Fast mode also doesn't feel like it makes you move much faster, which in combination leads to floor clean-up feeling like a bit of a slog (unless I just misunderstood what the setting does).

The fei crystals floating about in the underwater dungeon are a bit distracting, I'm sort of anticipating a puzzle whenever I see them which makes it confusing visually. It'd probably help if these were feiless variants or less notable outside of the puzzle rooms.

A skill issue on my behalf, but it's not immediately obvious how to solve the constellation puzzles in the night dome; the hint doesn't tell you to try smashing the stars, and to my knowledge the order you do them in does not matter, so it gives you outright incorrect information. I had assumed there was a hinted order from the direction of the spinning light around the stars at first. It's also possible to do the shooters here out of order, which leads to missing the tutorials for them. I found myself getting rather frustrated lining up shots until I realised you could hold down the button to aim the shot vertically.

Another skill issue, wasn't particularly obvious at first that you can drag Trix onto heartfruit to get the inventory expansion, and the mechanic of picking up Trix about doesn't seem particularly useful otherwise. Lead to me tossing them about in Biscotti after finding this out in the forest, anticipating they'd break the barrels.

Tutorial notes seem placed in rather strange locations, and later than they should otherwise be.

-- Combat (Puzzle / Shooter sequences)

This is such a damn entertaining genre fusion! I'm not really into either of the two, so it should say something that the game has engaged me so much. Reminds me of Puzzle & Dragons if it were less restrictive for tile movement (loving the chain mechanic and its potential), alongside shapes feeling like a more engaging version of punish mechanics seen in other titles. The micromanaging between them feels chaotic in the good way, although I feel you aren't rewarded for taking out shapes enough, and it is very easy to lose combo trying to clear out the outside board. Rose feels VERY restrictive in this manner, despite feeling great otherwise for shape combat. I tended to play as T due to the set and forget playstyle they have for shooting with the mines and ranged AoE.

I do hope the witch card system is made more viable. I never really felt like I needed to change witches or really use others at any point, due to being able to regear before fights and not being particularly restricted with equipment. Something like being able to use two witches at once (one for shapes, one for oyons/spells) could be interesting (but would need obvious balancing), or having passive buffs in encounters depending on the witches in the party, to increase the viability of having certain characters on the deck.

The combo meter is a super interesting mechanic, with being able to swap out which buffs you get and at which combo level.

There's a lack of scaling to shape only encounters. Feels like it could get very stagnant later in the game without any progression beyond new enemies.

-- General

Budget feels *pretty* tight. From buying spells (multiple copies per witch), needing money to store items mid-dungeon, revive npcs, warp to save points, lower spawn rates etc. I didn't feel like I had a lot of freedom with my money, and I ended up just restarting the game on failures, over dealing with the lack of utility items and witches in a dungeon at points. I never really felt restricted with shards, in comparison.

Always felt one item short off of doing the alchemy puzzles. I also didn't feel particularly enticed to engage with them as the rewards weren't particularly notable, or weren't particularly relevant without needing other spells/items first. Forget making multiple.

An option to keybind alternate left/right mouse buttons would be nice, it can get a bit hectic at times (and I'm a weirdo who willingly used touchpad so that would help with gameplay a bunch. I've tended to play pretty on par with mouse users for other games on my skill level and this game QUICKLY humbled me on the limits I have lmao)

--- Boobs

:3c teehee

Ofc its for game balance (and well, size options) and all, but are characters like Nightmare *really* rank 1 when we get them? Sort of expect someone like the yellow guardian to be well, not rank one. Makes me double take.

I hope the rank lock setting is made a bit more robust. I feel like the game genuinely stands on its own without the ecchi content, and it's why I haven't mentioned it until now; it's just not my immediate thought on what makes the game feel good to play or what kept me playing, and I'd hope it can be as serviceable when possible to as much people (prudes) as possible.

'Rank Lock' isn't immediately descriptive until you connect the dots between ranking and BE, a more direct name would be helpful.

More granularity would also help; locking rank appearance per witch, alongside presets to match people's limits better (perhaps someone's fine with when it comes up in the plot, but don't want the amount of 'freedom' Nightmare or Cerelea ends up having, for example).

Being able to set rank lock on first boot would also be nice, if someone wants to boot up the game without risk of catching weird looks from those who hate fun and whimsy.

Of course, considering its literally in the title of the game, don't let any guardrails set up ultimately restrict you from what you aim to create at the end of the day :P

--- Game Title

It's a biiit annoying to find the game or content relating to it. 'be witches' will come up literally, and 'breast expansion witches' will just assume nsfw tags. Probably something worth keeping in mind.

I loved the experience throughout, and I can't wait to see this game evolve as time goes on.


First of all, thank you so much for the in depth review! I'm glad you enjoyed the game enough to take the time to write it all ^^

I'll do my best to answer some things!

- Rose's tattoo
It does directly turn into the claws! I'll have more opportunities to talk more about it later, probably through party events which will let the characters interact between each other about all sort of things. It'll be a great way to touch on minor lore elements ^^

- Less dialogue near the end
For sure! I want at least one more cutscene after you save Biscotti, and once again party events will also help with this once more are implemented. There are only a few in the game currently and almost all are non optional, like when Rose first talks about her tattoo.

- The fei crystals floating about in the underwater dungeon are a bit distracting
Mmh... A variant without the symbol could help, but there are also a few puzzles where some of the petals are somewhat hidden. I could even have cases where the puzzle itself is hidden later, but seeing symbols on the petals with symbols would prevent that. I'll see what I can do, but I might end up leaving them as is!

- Secret detector
Something like this is planned! It might have to do with Tril ^^

- Constellations and cannons
Will do! I know how to help with that ^^

- Witch cards
I agree that these aren't as good as they could be. I do have ideas on how to improve them and make switching to a different character a better option, but this will have to wait a bit before it's actually implemented ^^

- Alternate left/right mouse
This can actually be done! There is an option for it in the settings ^^

- 'Rank Lock' isn't immediately descriptive
That's fair... I do have the '?' button giving you more info about it, but I'll update it if I can find a satisfying alternative ^^

- More granularity would also help; locking rank appearance per witch etc
Once again only explained through the '?' button on the spellcard menu, this is what the '+' and '-' are for! You can choose your favorite rank (purely graphical change). This among a few other mechanics will also be properly explained later.

I actually fixed some of the issues you mentioned, like Heartcarrots and dragging Tril, in the newest update from 2 days ago!
More generally there is definitely room for improvement balance wise, I made sure to increase the amount of received magi in the latest updates but I'll probably make more changes later, including chest contents, the rate at which alchemy recipes are found (and which ones), shop selections, encounter rates and a lot more. Though this might have to wait until the game is in a bit less of a WIP state so I can make more definitive decisions.
Shape fights will mostly rely on Shape variety and new Shapes as you said, though I do have a few ideas about these too for later.
And, ironically enough, I also feel like there isn't enough BE content currently. I'm working on this (chibi sprites BE and more) but of course this will take a bit of time, especially given I'm juggling with quite a few tasks since the release. But it'll happen! ^^

Thank you again! I've taken notes and will make sure to address as much of this as I can asap ^^

Will this get mobile?

Sorry, I have no such plans!


NoseBecc, the game BE Witches has very good gameplay and a cool story and characters that are fun to watch interact. I would have liked to have seen some interaction from Rose about improving her rank. It seems like she came from the "isekai effect" so I thought it would be funny.

It's a shame that I'll already be playing the demo on normal and difficult, collecting everything ): I just didn't use the mechanics of changing the witch during the duels much because I didn't find it very useful. I don't like playing this type of game where you mix 3 or more colors and point click, but as I said, I really enjoyed playing your game.

It would be cool to see some characters that you resurrect appear at the cafe at a table to see dialogue interactions with the character that is in front of the party, but I understand if that's not possible.

Your game is very good to play. I think it would be a good idea to talk to some gaming influencers and recommend your game when it's finished or to support the project.

I don't know how famous the game is outside of Brazil.

Thank you very much!

I wouldn't say it's super popular in general. It has been difficult to get into contact with influencers, but I'm trying! I'm already very lucky that people like Natetheman223 and TannerOfTheNorth made videos about it ^^

I'm planning on adding dialogue after some rank ups as you said! It will be added later ^^

Having revived characters show up in the world could be cute too for sure!


To be honest, I haven't completed the game yet (I'm still suffering in the Biscotti tunnels), but I can already say that the new demo is even better than the old one (no wonder, more than 4 years have passed since the last public demo). It's a pity that it's still quite a long time to wait for the full version of the game, but at least the game no longer resembles an "endless loop" (as it was in the last public demo), haha.

The only thing I particularly disliked was Vestia's "death" (all because of the recent update of the plot in one game, and yes, I wrote it in spades, because it's not known if you plan to somehow bring her back to life in any way or not). But these are personal claims, nothing more. So it doesn't spoil the game.

By the way, I noticed on the Steam page that you are the only publisher of the game, although there was another one before. Did you have any problems with the previous publisher (I just don't read blogs, maybe that's where you explained the situation)? You don't have to tell me what happened if it's something like that.


Thank you! I wish I could go faster as well, but there's sadly no alternative... Though since I've been hiring artists, development has definitely sped up ^^

Nothing too crazy, we had a few disagreements and figured parting ways would be better for the both of us! I'm much more comfortable this way ^^


Never mind about the Jelly Tentacles. I just found my first one after like 15 Jelly kills so I was just getting unlucky with the drop rate lol. The game is super awesome btw and I've been really enjoying the battle mechanic!!


Thank you very much!

I've been working on QoL stuff so I'll see if I can hint at how to get a Jelly tentacle better, and maybe edit the drop rates a bit ^^

Android version?

Not the Android version just the windows version.

Correct, I have no plans for an Android version currently! Sorry

(1 edit)

Sorry to bother ya but for some reason I can't for the life of me get a Jelly Tentacle to drop from the Jelly enemies... Is there a trick to it or something I'm missing? I'm playing on the most recent public release demo if that's any help.

quick question but is there anything else you can do with debug mode apart from walking everywhere

Debug mode gives you access to the room editor, the damage calculator, the debug room which lets you see any cutscene again, the ability to insta rank up anyone... A bunch of stuff I use to develop the game basically ^^

You can find a full list at the bottom of this post

ok thank you

Hey I managed to get JoytoKey to work with this game, what's the best control setup for an xbox controller with mouse?


Though other than the obvious spin up/right/down/left keys being set as the joystick/dpad, the rest is probably up to your own preference

Quick question about the BE/ rank up system! Considering that the demo is around 20-25% of the "finished" game its seems surprising to me that you can essentially reach max rank (sans the bonus rank you teased) so soon. Is it just like this in the demo to show le booba and will be more spread out in the final product, or are you just expecting players to swap out characters quite often? But yeah, AMAZING GAME ^^

Thank you!!! ^^

It's as you said! The idea was to show booba in this demo, but in the final game amplification will be spread out (and story relevant). I'm also looking into other ways to include more BE content so BE is a bit more frequent throughout the game ^^

Is this the same song as someone inside the game?

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The whole BEW soundtrack could technically be played by a Genesis/Megadrive, so if it sounds similar, that's why! ^^

The SoR OSTs are amazing <3

Is the game in the public zip here the same length as the demo on steam?

Yep! They're the same ^^

Does this have an auto-save feature or is the saving only through the clocks?

Currently, you can only save through the clocks ^^

Do you plan on adding an auto-save feature though? Cause I actually had trouble going to save with so many enemies blocking my path.

It should be easier to travel if you activate Sneak mode (the icon with Vuu's face) ^^

I'll be looking into a temporary save system that lets you save anywhere but can only be loaded once (so you have to actually reach a save point later), though it might be some time before this is actually implemented if it's even possible...

Okay just thought I asked because I just feel it takes too long to reach save points when I want to fight everything so I could gain experience.


Out of curiosity, how big will the expansion elements get in the final game? Like, what's the biggest size we should expect?


The sizes get pretty massive already at rank 5, and there will be a 6th rank in the final game. It will definitely among the biggest boobas ever seen in video game :B


Oh, wow - some of them already look enormous at rank 5, like Nightmare and Cha. Can't wait to see how much bigger they can possibly get!

(5 edits) (+1)

I'll tell you honestly, THE GAME IS F#CKING GREAT! But the questions are, I'm stuck in the Biscotti - how do I get into mill? I don't understand, how are the stakes on the roofs of houses pressed? And what can I do with the barrels???  And how can I find out what my current assignment is? Thanks for the answers!

Thank you very much!

If you're at the part where you can't leave Biscotti, you'll need to use the SMASH cursor you just unlocked! You can scroll the mouse wheel or press C to switch between cursor modes ^^

A small "current goal" button somewhere on the HUD could definitely help... Should be easy to implement too. I'll look into that ^^

It doesn't work, even if you change the key value ಠ╭╮ಠ. And theres no goal on the HUD . But thx for help

That's really weird... Just to make double sure, did you defeat Cerelea?
If yes, could you send me a screenshot of the game while you're in Biscotti? If possible, could you also send me your save at It's located in "C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\BE_Witches", where XXX is your username.
Sorry for bothering you with this...

The HUD element is something I'd like to add in the future, it doesn't exist currently.

I sent. Maybe it doesn't work because I missed (Enter+scroll) the dialog?

I definitely recommend paying attention to the dialogue since it tells you what to do next, at least until I add this HUD element in a future version.

I responded to your email, should be all good ^^

I really miss the quest book. Sometimes you don't know what to do.

It becomes available again later ^^

Which part is giving you trouble? There is a walkthrough available here, but knowing that could help me improve the game ^^

can you make an nsfw mode?


Sorry, I have no plans for full nudity / sex in the game!

I do have plans for more BE related content though ^^

i have a question, after i beat the capitan, what  i have to do next?


You'll need to find Vestia in the center of town.

Don't hesitate to use the walkthrough if you're stuck ^^

??? what do i do?


hold right-click

Quick question before I play through the new demo, can I somehow use my save from the previous demo, or would I need to start over?

Sorry, you will need to start over! Older builds aren't compatible with this one. Future ones should be though ^^

Is there any way to go back to Sablee and Auria later to do  secrets?


Once you beat the final boss of the demo you can return to the beginning of Rietti Plains and take a pod back to Auria Tower / Sablee

Game looks good, but I have one small annoying question that can be answered with yes or no...

Android version?

If yes ,then when?

I have no plans for an Android version currently, sorry!

That's alright, thanks for the reply 

I  can't get debug mode to work- Enter + Shift + F2 does nothing. Is there somewhere specific i need to do it?

Debug mode is only available on the Patreon version, is that the one you're using?


I'll  wait until ive finished the demo to support then.  The actual gameplay here is addicting asf, good  work.


There is a walkthrough here, but it is only in english:

(Google translate)


(1 edit) (+1)

khe-khe... ALRIGHT! As i promised - it's critisism time! (SPOILERS)

Now, before we get started i want to make one important thing very clear - even though i have these issues with the game, that does NOT mean that i didn't absolutely love it. As soon as it goes on Steam i'll buy it, and then i'll buy it again if given a chance. But EXACTLY because i love this game so much - i want it to succed. I want it to be perfect. I want other more pickier players to have as much excitement and joy as i did. That's why i have to say these things.

Anyway. I have a paper here, with main points written on it, so i won't get lost in thoughts... 


1) First: Witch Swap.

An incredible mechanic that just... didn't shine as much as i would like it to. Here is the thing: there simply aren't enough reasons to swap witches in the first place. HealthBar is universal - it isn't divided  between witches, so switching doesn't give you a 'second chance'. And if your next witch is of a lower lvl, then your MaxHP decreses. In a way, you get pretty much punished for switching! Yes, i DID find a use for it, when fighting SlimeNurse (when she changes colors of Onyons, so you can equip your next witch with other colored abilities), but it's just such a one time case that it doesn't feel justified. Yes - you can make a "full on attack -> full on heal -> 2x moderate both" build, and this way utilize witch swapping, but come ooooon! It's obvious that it's not how it was intended. And while you can switch to use "ultimate ability" of another witch - battles simply don't last that long. Even when fighting Nightmare for the first time, i switched ONCE and only because i messed up so badly, that it probably was a panic switch, rather than a strategy one. The whole thing just... underperforms.

What i suggest: 

--- Give every witch a separate HP bar, but decrease it by a LOT. That way i am pretty much forced to swap witches at some point, making the game more dinamic. What about 'last hit' mechanic? Well let's make it, so that if Cha's (for example) health goes to zero - I won't be able to switch her to the next witch and cheat the death, in a way. 

--- "But what if I don't want to force players into swapping witches? I want them to do it only if they so desire" - fair point. In this case, let's make it so that upon swapping you: get a small attack buff and a tiny regeneration, while all your previous buffs and debuffs (or 50%) get removed. This way you are not forced to swap witches, but such behaviour is encouraged. Which is good too!


2) Next one on the list: Cards (rebalances/reworks/new cards)

It's obvious that, in the game about using cards, cards are kind of a big deal. Here i'll say what cards need changes and what other aspects to focus on.

--- Boomerang - It. Sucks. Balls. No, i MEAN it! 22 Fei for... how much power, again? 8?! And heal for 2?! Those are like the worst stats in the entiere game! I understand that you don't want to make Boomerang a healing card by making it's dmg too much - i agree with that. That's why 25% is perfect, but make it do at least a bit more damage. It just doesn't have a place nor in attack nor in heal focused decks. It just sucks.

--- Squeeze - and other cards like it should provide more value. It's not always easy to pull out a combo with Hug and Squeeze, so having it give you as much value as Flame (for a bit less Fei, though), while being much less reliable, just doesn't make sence. Of course don't buff it too much and make it meta, but make it's Fei = Power. Maybe it shouldn't do as much damage as Flame, but make it very cost effective, so pulling out these combos would be worth the effort.

Now, i want to name you a card that i'm in love with:

--- Earthquake - by FAR my favorite card in the game! And imho, a PERFECT example of what unique cards or "reward/punishment" cards should be! It deals a solid amount of damage, for solid Fei, BUT punishes you by pouring stone blocks from the sky. Cool! Amazing, even! AND it has a unique trait where floating enemies don't get damaged by it cause they are... well, floating. (Or at least, that's how i explain why Nightmare gets Null damage from it). It's just a perfect nieche card! And THAT'S what cards like that should be like! Great in certain cases -> useless in others. Great value -> but a noticable punishment. 

So many cards you can make by that logic! A card that deals a great amaount of damage, but makes it so that you earn less Fei for next 10 second. Or a card that zap-stuns enemies, but also gives attack buffs monstergirls that somewhat benefit from electricity. Possibilities are endless! 

You get the main idea. And ofcourse we need a much bigger variety of cards, so that pretty much every playable monstergirl could get her own unique kit. (But i understand that it's a demo, so card variety wasn't exactly the main focus)


3) Monstergirls's Unique Abilities.

You may ask a question: "But isn't every ability already unuqie?" - it is... partialy. While yes, Vuu's 'Super Attack' (we'll call it SA for short), clears the whole room, Rose attacks only monstergirl and 'T' does a bit of both - they are still just "Do damage" type of SA's. When i say unique i mean, like do difderent things. 

Let's take Cha for example (yes, i'll use every opportunity to call Cha)! She is a goblin, right? And what do goblins do? Steal stuff! So, Cha's ability could be her stealing the spell that enemie is about to use, and use it herself with 2x Power! Unique? Yes. Useful? Yes. Nieche? Also, yes! Exactly what an ability should be! ... Okay, Cha, you can go back to playing.

Ompom's SA, could damage and 'burn' monstergirl - making her take more damage from al sources. 

Lamia could 'squeeze' enemy monstergirl in a tight gripp. She'll deal small damage, but will STUN the enemy, stopping them from using skills or summon shapes.

Now, i'm not saying that "Just deal damage" shouldn't be a thing. Of course it should be, but even then there must be a tiny twist to them, at least in attack animation, or their effect on the battlefield. 

Let's take for example our lovable lady Cerelea: Her main thing are her powerfull legs, righr? Causing earthquakes and etc. So why not make it kind of her thing and build Cerelea's SA around it? She could make a powerfull STOMP causing an earthquake, HEAVILY damaging enemy monstergirl, but also SHAKING the screen  for like 5 seconds as a 'punishment' for such a powerfull SA. Unique? Check. Damage? Check. Relates to thee character? Also check. Perfectc, no?

You get the idea, right? And while understand, that making a completely unique ability for every monstergirl will be a torture - we aren't a type of people to break easily! Come on, Mr NoseBecc! Head up high!


This may not be obvious at the first glance, but trust me - it's important.

4) Reviving witches - is a very cool and unique feature, but... i feel as if it has some core flaws. 

I understand why revived witches should be randomized, i do. You want players to try out different witches, to maybe find a new favorite one, who knows? To have them strive for something at the very least. And that's fair!

Take me for example: I get Cha - i don't care about other witches. I ain't gonna revive and try all of them, i truly won't (even though i did). And that's why it has to remain random. 

BUT! Amd it's a HUGE BUT! What i think should NOT be random - a spawn of that 'resurrector lady'. 

A player shouldn't do leaps in the forest, waiting for her to eventualy come. Then, just get somebody they don't want -> get sad/frustrated -> get back to running. It shouldn't be like that, that's not a fun/exciting experience. Am i trying to say that 'resurrector lady' shouldn't spawn randomly? No, quite the opposite! She could still visit you from time to time, but there MUST be a place (or a way) where you can guarantee meeting her. It may be an expensive or craftable item (like the ones that decrease/increase spawnrate) made out of hard-to-find resources. Make it not easy, but possible.

 And i've experienced it first hand when i tried to revive all witches. I just kept running around in circles, simply because 'resurrector lady' didn't spawn. I had all the money, all the shards in the world - but no resurrector lady. Which sucked SSSO much, at the time. 

That's a thing that should 100% be worked on.


Now... No, i'll save it for later. Then, let's talk about:

5) Sidequests. 

The 'Cookie' sidequest is the first 'sidequest' to ever exist in the game, am i wrong? I don't remember them being in the first Demo...

Anyway! Sidequests - they are cool little things that every game needs and BEW is not an exception! Some fun little sidequest should be here and there, but please listen, Mr NoseBecc - it's also important to NOT overpopulate the game with sidequests! That, unless they also include some unique interractions on already cleared terrain. 

For exapmle: a sidequest where Cha loses her favorite earring, so now we are suposed to go to the Riety forest and look for it (and we WILL look for Cha's earring). We beat some monstergirls, collect stuff BUT - randomly fall into a pit (that wasn't there the first time) and stumble upon a hidden cave. Treasury? Lost city? Someone's hideout? It could be anything! And in the process we also learn some history about the forest, or Cha herself, or her kind - something like that. So that sidequest doesn't just feel like "go there, kill that, bring me this". And after all that - we don't find the earring. Just to (in a comedic fassion) for Cha to realise that it was in her pocket all this time, or that it fell off and got lost in her bossom, while she was asleep. I don't know, something like that.

So? ... What do you think? Did my Cha story win the 'writer of the month' award?


I don't really know how to name this one, so...

6) Cute little in-game details.

Let me try to explain, so it doesn't sound so vague. You know how when momstergirl gets bored during your stroll, you have to click on her few times to make her happy again, right? Well - Cerelea has a chance to sometimes reward you with a jug of milk ("There's more where that came from", i bet there is - i had 27 in my inventory by the time i revived my last 3 monstergirls)! It's a cute little detail, but these details are what make BEW so beautiful. Like how Cha sometimes puts on her sunglasses (awesome f-n sunglasses, by the way). 

I don't know where exactly i'm going with it, though. Do i mean that we should have more interactions with characters while we walk? May be. May be i want something else, i don't know. But you get the idea.


Okay and now... for the last complaint:

7) Secrets and Rewards from them

"AAAAAAAAAHHHH, this is NOT how it was supposed to go!" - okay, Mr NoseBecc please calm down! I know that we went over this already in some of my previous comments, but i have to reiterate - i have big BIG problems with that.


These last few days made me rethink some stuff... After all: puzzles, secrets and little things like that, are what make BEW - BEW. Sneaky spots and levers hidden behind levers are pretty much a staple in BEW, so me saying that these charming little aspect should be reduced - was just silly. So I came to a conclusion that (i think) will satisfy BOTH of us:

Necessary for progression items like Orbs - should NOT be hidden. NO! They should not be, Mr NoseBecc! Sneaky secrets, quirky puzzles and liefs that i must pull to open the door, should NOT hide valuable stuff like Orbs behind them! 

Yes, i understand why orbs are a thing - players shouldn't be allowed to just farm XP in the same spot, so that they could just get to lvl 40 and one-shot Nightmare. I get it! Players need to explore to enjoy the game at 100%. And i agree! But players also shouldn't be FORCED to go out and look for secrets under the pressure of not being able to upgrade their momstergirls tp max rank. Do you know how much time it took me to find the golden tree, Mr NoseBecc? Do you?! And i had a guide on my hands! Now imagine a person that didn't visit site, or isn't reading every word in  game's "about" page - they'll simply NEVER find it. And there are no "ifs" or "buts" and even "erm, actually" doesn't find a place here. They will NEVER find it. Average player will NEVER find (i want to make it clear) - a NECESSARY for progression item! 

"But what would be a reward for such secrets then?!" - skins for monstergirls, special backgrounds, music (like a disc that you can play while walking, or fighting), extremely powerfull/unique spells or - heck, even a legendary monstergirl could be waiting there if you want. Gifts for Tril are a perfect example! Do you need them to rank up Momstergirls? No! But would you be willing to look for them if you want to see Tril sleeping in his bed? Yes! 

I should WANT to look for secrets, not be FORCED to do so. Because there is no joy in it then - magic of adventure disappears.

And if you still want players to try themselves before deserving their Orb. It's also ok! You can make some difficult puzzles for people to solve, but make them obvioisly visible. Give out few Orbs for comleting certain sidequests, why not? It would be cool, no?


I'm... sorry for getting so emotional. I just really don't think that leaving it as it is - is a good idea. 


Well... that was it. My long rant - is over. I said my piece, i made my contribution and now my heart is clear.

I just really hope that you didn't take it as an insult, Mr NoseBecc. Every single word i wrote was with a good intention and i hope that you see it as such. I hope that you can see the passion that i have for BEW and how much i want it to suceed.

Bh the way, is there a way to contact you privately, Mr NoseBecc? Like Discord? Nothing special, just to chit-chat or share some fan-art.

And if you don't want to share your username there - i'll share mine. 

Name: corpusgreed.

Thank you.

                                                                           Best wishes


M-Mr NoseBecc? You weren't offended, were you?

1) First: Witch Swap

I definitely want to make this mechanic more useful. I think making it so it removes both buffs and debuffs could be interesting... It does give you a small heal currently, I could also increase that value. I'll keep thinking about it! ^^

2) Next one on the list: Cards (rebalances/reworks/new cards)

Balance still needs a lot of work for sure! There won't be as many spells available this early in the final game, their availablity and some of their stats will be rethought. Some spells will have evolved versions as well, and I do want a lot more variety and weird effects in the future too! I'll do my best :B

Also, the reason Nightmare didn't take damage from Earthquake is because she nullifies all yellow damage she receives ^^

3) Monstergirls's Unique Abilities.

No worries, they'll each have a unique skill in time! ^^

In Cerelea's case, I want hers to be Wall smasher, the same spell she uses when you face her. The more stone blocks destroyed, the more damage it deals

4) Reviving witches

That's completely fair! I've included a bunch of monstergirls to be revived, but there won't actually be this many this early in the final game. I'm also thinking about some way to make it easier to meet her as you said, which will help a lot ^^

5) Sidequests

This is indeed the very first (and currently, the only) quest in BEW! I know exactly what you mean. For the most part, I plan for most sidequests to relate to one or several playable characters. They'll be optional, but double as a way to learn more about the characters. They'll give some good rewards and in some cases be a criteria to rank up said characters. I have a bunch of ideas when it comes to this (including relating to Cha!), so no worries there, I'm confident! ^^

6) Cute little in-game details.

I love these little seemingly pointless things, so you can definnitely expect more of that too ^^

There will also be more party events that trigger as you explore under certain conditions. This is a very recent system so there are only a few non optional ones currently, but there'll be more!

7) Secrets and Rewards from them

Agreed! For now, I chose to make it so you only need 10 power orbs to rank up everyone, so you don't need to find all of them. In the future, quests or more obvious puzzles will be how you often most of them. The golden tree will have to do with a quest as well, so it won't stay this hard to find.

No worries, I really appreciate that you took the time to express all this! It will only help me make the game better ^^

A lot of these issues are due to the game being a WIP and "early" balance. I agree with pretty much everything you said and in most cases I have some sort of plan in mind, though it will be some time before I can implement it all. I'll get to it at some point, for sure! is an easy way to contact me, I guess I wouldn't mind sharing my discord handle there. I need to mention that I've been especially busy of late however, so even though I do my best to get back to everyone, it might take some time!


Game is AMAZING. From the art style, to the combat system! It's really well made, and clearly had a LOT of time put into it.

Only had 2 issues, one of them is the backtracking into certain areas, especially with how large they are. My suggestion is to have some sort of fast travel system, probably at save points or via a small puzzle in certain rooms you have to complete, just to make it less of a hassle. Though this would be unlocked AFTER clearing the tower area, since the tower and Sablee become unavailable after clearing them.

Next is the combat feeling a bit too much for bosses (primarily Nightmare) since you have to focus on so many things like the enemy attacks, shapes and shape attacks, and the board itself typically having a gimmick like mushrooms or gravity changing, all just happening at the same time. I get that bosses are meant to be far more challenging, its just when it moves so fast it becomes hard to keep track of everything on screen. This is especially noticeable for Nightmare, since you basically have a time limit before she does an insta-kill move.

My little rant aside, this game was an absolute blast! Hoping to see more in future updates!


Thank you so much! ^^

I do plan to implement a fast travel system later, it will very probably be linked to the save rooms as you said :B

There's definitely a long going on in fights, making it as readable as possible has been a challenge for sure. I personally like when it feels overwhelming, but I'll keep trying to make it easier to follow the action/limit how much is happening.

Thank you again! I appreciate the constructive criticism, it helps a lot ^^


No problem! Just wanted to voice a few suggestions for the game, since you made it REALLY good and enjoyable. Nightmare's fight was one where it felt really challenging but not outright impossible, and my main issue was just the fact SO MUCH was happening it made it hard to attack or keep my combos going. I just don't want it to become a reoccurring issue with every upcoming boss in the future, and wanted to address it as early as possible.

Again, thank you so much for making this, it's awesome in nearly every aspect, and hope you have a good day/night wherever you are!


This game is SO CUTE, the mechanics are very easy to understand and the artstyle and personality the game has as a whole is so adorable i LOVE IT


Thank you so much! I'm glad ^^

is there a way to not have the jugs grow? also me stuck, where are the pirates?


There is! You can check the "Rank lock" option in the settings.

The pirates are in the ocean, accessed by walking into the water all the way north of the starting village

thanks! also i did the cave explore and got on the island with npc, there is a pink totem and that's it... npc said "a bit further" but there is no way further


I recommend you take a look at the map in the ocean! This will help you deduce where to go next ^^

If you want, you can also find a walkthrough here

oh... i got it :D
also i appriciate walkthrough but i'd rather go blind :3
playing further made me wonder about something else...
1. one of my chars died, she's gray, how do i heal her?
2. is there a way to just... escape enemies? because all those random encounters makes my backtracking quite annoying.

Ah, fair enough!

Your characters will be revived once you save. There is also an item called a Heartchain link which can be used to revive a character anywhere, but you might not have access to it yet, I'm not sure.

Likewise there is also an item that instantly removes any fight on use, the Heart dummy, bought at the same shop as the Heartchain link. Or you can use Sneak mode (The button with Vuu's face, next to the map) to lower the encounter rate. Finally when walking into a room with an enemy encounter, you can always walk back the way you came from. In some cases this can allow you to walk around the encounter ^^

This game has genuinely fun mechanics but I'm afraid I might have softlocked myself with my own skill issue - I know what I'm supposed to do in the spinning gears puzzle of Night Dome's F3, spinning them from right to left, but I have strained my wrist trying to move fast enough to keep all three spinning at once. Is there some hidden technique I'm simply missing, or is this just something I'll have to keep brute-forcing?

Ah, I'm sorry to hear that...

Lowering the difficulty will make these gear puzzles easier. You can lower the difficulty to 0.5, clear the puzzle, then raise it back to 1 if you'd like.

If you look at the keybinds in the settings menu, you'll see keys corresponding to the "Spin up" and "Spin down" actions. These keys can be used instead of the mouse wheel (or even in combination with the mouse wheel if you want to make it even easier).

The sign at the first gear puzzle does mention this, but I'll be adding hint events to re explain this at every gear puzzle if needed.

Sorry again, and I hope this helps!


*Inhale* ... *exhale* (Spoilers ahead)

Welp. After hours of gameplay i can officialy say that i've beaten the game. And boy oh boy... do i have things to say. And as i promised - you'll have to read an essay, Mr NoseBecc. 

Now before we start, i want to make one thing clear: while i do have some constructive stuff to say about the game (suggestions and criticisms), THIS comment is NOT that. This will be a summary of my first impressions as an average player that went through the game at a normal pace, clicked what saw and missed what didn't. I just think that (as someone who played first Demo too) impressions on the game - are important. Gameplay is cool, but if the game doesn't cling to your heart - gameplay doesn't mean that much.

Anyway... let's get on with it:

1) The new story - wow, is it amazing. From the beginning, till the end, i was at the edge of my seat, wondering what's gonna happen next. Moments with angels felt intense and frightening, little gags here and there lifted up the mood and i really felt for Vuu's loss. Rose's (yes, i remembered her name) past being a mistery to us and other characters was done well. How did she end up here? Why? And why in the jail of all places? Why is Vuu in same jail? What on earth is going on?! A lot of questioms that remained unanswered (or may be i just didn't get them). And it's great - because i love theorising. On important note - jokes landed! ALL!! I'll confess and say that i at least smiled at every one of them and some even made me laugh out loud! Vuu's insult to Nightmare was savage as heck, though. I hope she'll recover...

By the way!

2) I love how we went from one location/story to another so fluidly. It didn't feel like characters were saying "okay, we're done exploring here. Let's go to the next set, the script demands so". Not a single part of dialogue felt 'forced'. It was like listening to a genunine conversation of a real group of  people - not actors.  And none of them felt over the top. Vuu is naive, but not stupid. Rose is serious, but she doesn't feel like a robot (as writers often mess up with characters like that). 'T', despite me expecting it, didn't cross the line between "goofy" and "annoying as hell". Really good writing.

About that...

3) Old characters - i'm so happy that they returned. You simply can't imagine how much joy i felt when i noticed that green little creature in the forest: "Lvl1 Golbin?! Awww, lomg time no see sunshine! Look at you - all big and strong now, aren't you? You've changed you appearance a little, yeah? It suiys you so much! Yeah, yeah, i'm very sorry, you are not lvl one anymore, you are level tw- ... Dear. God. You are level 4 now?! You were training all this time?! I'm... i-i'm so poud... *sob* No, Gobby, my eyes are not sweating, these are just tears of pure happiness." - absolute cinema. And it hoenstly didn't hit me until just now how good Imp's and Gobbo's new designs look. I look at old Imp and just think - wow, that's... atrocious. And there is no wonder that Mud Elememtal's design remained the same - it's peak! New characters look amazing too, don't get me wrong! They are absolutely gorgeous. Lamia looks full of life, Ghost/Wisp is great too too, Pirates are just as adorable as you can get (still, lvl1 4 Goblin keeps her first place).

Next one.

4) The 'resurrector lady' - such a great idea. Mainly because i can rest peacefully, knowing that every monster we've defeated didn't really die. I swear, i did NOT expect this turn of events: "Haha, that's right little pirate! You shouldn't just try and steal ones belongings. Let this be your lesson! Now, let's see what loot we have he- DID SHE JUST F-N EXPLODE?!" - cause my heart skipped the beat when i saw bones flying around. Back to 'resurrector'... it's unironically SO nice to play as monsters. Lore acuracy is cool and stuff, but what if i want Gobby to beat Nightamre to death, instead of Vuu? And now i CAN DO THAT!! (Although, Gobby's weapon of choice is... more unique that 'T' could ever dream of. Is she like 'shapes fight' exclusive character? Because i have no idea how to reliably use that circular saw in a normal battle.) Just the fact that you can choose is already worth it. Don't like Rose for some reason? Sure, swap her for Ghost, why not. T doesn't look curvy enough to you, huh? Okay, pick Imp, if you so desire. Vuu is getting a bit boring? First - shame on you. Second - swap her if you want, nobody is holding you (but i will judge).

And the last one: I like how new riddles are made. Sometimes you don't see how to do them emidiately, and then something in your head just clicks and you go: "i tried everything! I tried pulling, tried to find the hint, tried to- wait... what if i... just whack that stupid star?". Or these things that you need smash to activate. While walking past them you think - "press with force, press with force... but how? Do i need something heavy? IMP! Sit on that damn thing, please".  And when you get smash - it all comes together, and you rush to obliterate every button you saw earlier.

Well. That concludes today' comment. It's mostly positive, because that's the impressions that i got from majority of the game! Cool story, art and mechanics - together they formed a perfect Demo.  But! That's not to say that i have nothing to criticise here! 

As i said before - i have a lot of constructive things to say about the game and i WILL lay all of them out in the next comment, because this is one is already too long already and i want to sleep. 

Oh! And the last one:

Please, PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU! Give Goblin a 4th, 5th star designs too, PLEASE!! I know that she's only lvl4, i know that she's just a goblin, but please with a cherry on top! No, make it 7 cherries! Just look at Gobbo! Don't you think she wants to evolve more?



Thank you so much! I'm happy you enjoyed it this much! ^^

I put a lot of effort into making the story progression feel natural while also introducing characters / concepts without having these feel forced. And yeah! Some characters badly needed a redraw / redesign. I still have a few in mind, but the most urgent ones have been taken care of!

Goblin's Yoyo Heartpower isn't an easy one to use, but it's very powerful. You have to right click again if the Yoyo hits a shape to have it rip through it (you can hold right click to keep going too!). The line deals damage too, and once enough shapes have been hit by the line in one go, you'll be able to shoot a laser when winding back the Yoyo. Tough to use, but it can let you destroy even the strongest shapes very quickly! I still need to add actual explanations for Heartpowers, among other things.

I'm not too sure I understood your last request about Gob though! She might get an alt costume if she wins one the Patreon alt costume polls, but it'll be some time before the next one :B

But yeah, I'm glad the game resonated with you, thank you again! I'm curious to hear about the parts that caused you some issues too, of course! ^^

(1 edit)

Yeah, sorry about the last one - i confused myself, and now confused you too.

Here is the explonatiom: after i revived Cha, I emidiately rushed to lvl her up to 22. But upon defeating enemies she didn't gain XP and there was just text "Max Rank" or something like that.

Whatthought was - "Cha is a low rank momstergirl, that's why i can't lvl her up above 17, which means that she doesn't have 4th and 5th forms. Aaaah, i get it now" - but i DIDN'T get it! I just didn't rank her up, thay's why her lvl was locked. But i did the thing, so now she's rank 5, in all her glory and might.

And i'm sorry, Mr NoseBecc, but... "The Golbins' sudden and impressive growth spurt-" growth... 'spurt'? Growth SPURT?! That's an understatement if i've ever heard one! That's not a 'spurt' that's a growth BOOM! A growth 'atomic explosion'!! How is Cha planning to walk after that?! Her bossom is heavier than her whole body! 


Aah I see!

lol she's basically more boob than Goblin at that point yeah. But she loves it, no worries :B

And keep in mind that everyone will get a 6th rank in the final game, too ^^

Just finished the demo, And the entire experience was amazing! Each area had such a bright and fun atmosphere along with puzzles that really make you think. The gameplay is very unique especially with the variating shots between different hearts alongside the unique boss mechanics. I can say when the full version comes out im 100% gonna get it on steam!

Thank you!!! ^^

The game seems so colorful and vibrant, it visually was very charming. Sadly I kinda got really annoyed at the first real puzzle involving slotting shards into the wall. I understood rotating the red shards into place and socketing them in, and I get that I need to use the red glowy pellet onto the yellow shard to turn it into the last red shard I need but I spent like 15-20 minutes wiggling, yeeting, spinning and dropping the shard (I tried it with the blue shards too) but couldn't figure out how to activate it. The NPC helpers only said "Look at your color guide." which didn't really explain how to change a shard's color. After another 20 minutes of combing the starter town to see if I missed a tutorial explaining how the overworld puzzles work and not finding anything I think I'm just too dumb for this game, oh well.

Sorry about that! And thank you, this helps a lot. I'll try to make the hint text clearer to prevent this kind of issue

(2 edits)

I have a problem that makes it i cant play the game its a shadder problem with an item glow i duno what that means but i cant play the game like at all is it comon or its only me btw may i ask if there will be a mobil device version in the future like but only for mobil devices with bigger screens

Old GameMaker games require a certain driver, you'll find what you need in the README file! ^^

I don't have plans for a mobile version currently, sorry!

Oh ok thanks for replying

I liked this Game really, had very much fun. One thing i have to ask tho is there a way to get back to old locations? I havent found anything in the Walktrough to this. 

Thank you! ^^

After you beat the demo, a pod will appear in the very top right room of the Rietti plains. You can go back to previous area by using it ^^

Thank you! ^^

is their a way to revive teamates I accidently let one die and the walkthrough says nothing about this please help  (this was before the night dome incase your wondering)

Just go there where you save and then when you save there gonna get revived

thank you good sir

This looks so much fun! Are you planning on releasing a MacOS version?

Thank you!

Sadly doing so is pretty complicated... If it does happen, it won't be before a long time I'm afraid

(3 edits) (+2)

Okay, i'll have to do it quick, cause the game's so good, i can't stop playing. I'll go over the main few points that i liked since old demo, but you can expect me comming back with comments that have more words in them than most novels.

One, two, three, go! >>>

1) The "My Turn!" mechanic is so simple, but genious, i LOVE IT! It, honestly, was a pretty big issue in the first beta. I have two characters, but since i love Vuu - what's the point of using the HUMAN (i forgor her name T^T), if they are very much the same? Same abilities, same heart (i'll get to that later), same stats and etc. There was no reason, except for boredom. But now that i can do the same fight 2 times, not only to farm more XP, but to get more rewards from it - it makes me want to master each character! 

2) Different heart attacks - my GOD, that's so good! The fact that i'm (sometimes) FORCED to switch from Vuu to HUMAN (still so ashamed...), is a nice feeling. Lots of weak 'shapes'? Vuu is here. Tanky shapes - HUMAN got you covered. So good... And now a 'shape fight' doesn't feel as tedious, cause i can finally one/two-shot most of the enemies tgere. (I don't understand 'T's attacks YET, but i'm sure that there is a way to utilize her too)

3) I'm not even going to talk about amazing artsyle and story - you know you cooked there, i won't toot your horn TOO much. ... Okay, maybe a liiiiitle more.

4) Riddles... Wow. With every location they get much MUCH more complicated, and interesting. Right now i'm stuck in mushroom land/cave. These riddles are... hard. Now, hear me out! That's a very ME specific thing, i'm not sure how it goes for everybody else, but i - am not the _biggest_ fan of the "look closely at the map - you can miss a lever/button at ANY moment" part. Sure, it's cool to spot them and go "he he he, free coins", but my paranoia and feeling of "what if there was an orb i missed? Or two?!" - were and ARE eating me from the inside. And the riddle where "The hint must be somewhere nearby", where i have to pull up or press mushrooms, then activate a button to open the gate... I can't. I just can't find i! What does "somewhere nearby" even mean? Is it in this room? Is it in the room next to this one?! OR IS IT IN THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF THE MAP??? I have no way to know! *sigh* ... Except fot that part (right now) everything is great. 

Now that it's out of the way, i want to ask few things:

1) The part where i have to help Cookie - i am confused. I tried clicking on things, while berries are in my inventoty - nothing works. I tried dropping them onto the floor - nothing happents. I tried clicking and smashing things, giving berries to Cookie and cheff, tried putting them inside boxes - nothing is working. Am i bugged or do i just not get how to do it? If it's the latter - could you explain it to me?

And second:

2) If that's a public beta... why not put it on Steam? I don't mind checking once in a while, but won't it be better for 'exposure' and capturing people's interest? After all, won't allowing players to try the game increase the chance that they'll stick? 

In conclusion - this update was Massive! ... YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS MAS-

                                                               With love, 


Thank you very much!

T's Heartpower is definitely more on the technical side ^^

When it comes to hidden treasure, I'm planning to implement a way to detect hidden stuff later, kind of like Ms. Mowz in Paper Mario. For now the best way to know if there's anything left in an area is to look at the map discovery and treasure found percentages, in the map menu

I'll update the "somewhere nearby" text in the next update then! The hints you're looking for are in the same corridor as that puzzle (look near the top of the screen)

For the Cookie quest, you need to talk to Cookie while having 2 dopberries of each kind in your inventory! I'll also update the text to make it more clear, thank you ^^

As for Steam, the build is being reviewed! I was hoping I'd be able to release the game on both platforms at the same time, but it sadly wasn't possible. Live and learn I suppose, it should be happening soon, hopefully next week!

Thanks again, I'm glad you're enjoying the game! ^^

(1 edit) (+1)

Not sure if this is a bug. but whenever I move my mouse it sometimes get flung to the other side of the screen. It makes the game almost unplayable at times.

That's definitely not normal!

How often does it happen? Are you playing with in fullscreen or windowed mode (and at what resolution if so)? Do you tab out of the game often? Did you notice a "cursor recalibrated" message in the top left?

(2 edits)

The cursor recalibrating was happening every few seconds. 

The bug was happening about the same time as the recalibration.

Tried playing in both window and Fullscreen same issue. On the topic of the changing modes, whenever i do it would force the mouse to the top left of the screen.

As for tabbing out, no not often.

Understood, thank you! I'll see what I can do.

There should be a file called "cursorLog.ini" if you go to "C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\BE_Witches", where XXX is your username. If that's ok, do you think you could send it to me at There is a chance it would help me figure out what's going on ^^

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