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Your link v9 is error man

The link works for me! You have to be a patron on patreon to access it though. If you are and it still isn't working, send me a DM there and we can figure it out!

Hello there. I've been loving your game and have been supporting you for a long time.
Sadly I'm dealing with an issue with my cursor drifting to the bottom right of the screen. I was trying to setup controller support through steam and it worked for a bit. But then suddenly the cursor started drifting on it's own. Really hope there is a easy solution/fix. Thank you so much~

Hello, thank you for the support! ^^

Mmh... I've never tried using a controller, so I can't say for sure if or how it's related.
Pressing tab will recalibrate the cursor at any point in the game. It could also be linked to your screen's resolution, the resolution you're playing the game at and whether you're playing in fullscreen or not.
This all works on my end, but rare cases like yours have been popping up every now and then and it's been hard for me to test and fix these particular cases. If that's ok, could you tell me your screen's resolution, the version of BE Witches you're playing, and the content of settings.ini in AppData\Local\BE_Witches___VERSIONNUMBER?
If recalibrating didn't work, deleting that same settings.ini file might do the trick.

Either way, I'll look into this! I just had an idea for something I could try, I'll give that a shot.


Thank you for such a swift reply~<3

I'm play the patreon version 2024_05_01



Going to try deleting the setting .ini. Ooooooo! It worked! I waited to post this. But it worked~ Thank you so much! YwY
I get to continue the adventures of your game~! <3

Nice! Glad it worked ^^
I did some changes related to the cursor calibration which should hopefully prevent this kind of issue from next build onwards. Thank you for the info!

so wait is the only public version the demo or?

There is also a much more advanced Patreon demo!

The game is still in active development ^^

I'm in love with this game. The style, music, characters, everything. It's fun to play on its own merits (played through the whole last demo) I'm just wondering if theres gonna be more BE content in later versions. Not that it's a big problem but it just seems like you find the amplify upgrade after a couple hours of an otherwise boobless gameplay.


Thank you very much! ^^

I do plan to include more BE content in the game through the chibi sprites and writing, but also through a certain gameplay mechanic that has yet to be implemented. Though the game will probably remain somewhat slow at the start in that aspect since there is so much to introduce at first!

I so very much want to enjoy this game, but I just can't make any progress because after a while, fights will freeze the screen upon the final hit being dealt. The game still works in the background judging by the sound effects, but navigating back to a save room blind is basically impossible, and that's without the possibility of running into another fight which would genuinely be impossible while blinded like this.

Tried the debug hotkey mentioned in a different comment but am not getting any jingle when pressing and holding left shift and enter then pressing f2, so im at a loss now

I'm really sorry about that, a similar bug has been reported to me not long ago and fixing it is now my priority. It seems to be a rare bug that only occurs for a few people, though the other person didn't have the screen freeze at the end of fights but at other points in the game. The game still ran fine otherwise like you described.

This person seemed to have some luck mitigating that bug by pressing Ctrl + Esc, minimizing then clicking back into the game, but of course that's not a good enough fix and might not even work for everyone.

As for debug mode, you need to still be holding Enter and Left shift when pressing F2. Is that what you did?

If you can, sending me relevant screenshots (before the freeze, after the freeze, anything else that comes to mind) at might help me figure out the bug!
In any case, I apologize once again. I'll do my best to have this fixed ASAP!

I really want to like the game, but as soon as I got into the forest (after the crash), I lost my marbles at how impossible it felt, I don't even know half the time what is hitting me. First run against a fairy and I couldn't even get 10hp% off with its healing and whatnot. I just feel completely lost and overwhelmed at what is going on. I don't know how much level difference affects, but being couple under shouldn't be that bad right?

Otherwise I love the style and everything else, but the fights I can't deal with at all, too much going on with all the colours and moving bits for my brain to focus on.

Sorry about that, I do plan on rebalancing a lot of fights. I was pressed for time and ended up making mistakes with some of the fights, especially by introducing too much at once and not properly explaining some mechanics. Fairies in partcular absorb green spells, so you might have been healing her accidentally.

Thank you! There's definitely work left to do. I also plan to add an easy mode eventually.

In the meantime though, the walkthrough does have both general and monsterg dependent tips!


That would explain the fairy then.. well now I know that then.
To notice that when all that is going on is hard. But I understand time limits can mess with things, and seeing from the previous version, things were improved a lot, so keep at it!

And I want to thank you, and say that your activity and communication is so nice, especially when seeing how many other devs don't react or respond to anything. 

So I'll keep waiting to see how the game progresses, and maybe build up the courage and give it another go later on. 

Thank you! I'll do my best ^^
Adding SFX should help making this kind of thing more obvious too. I'm planning for the next update on May 1st to have a bunch of said balance improvements!

And no problem, I feel like it's the least I can do! I really appreciate you reaching out and taking the time to tell me what you think works and what doesn't, it all adds up to make the game better in the end.

Do you know if the final version will be free or not?

No, the final version will not be free!

Then how much will it cost?

I don't know for sure yet. I don't see it being less than 20$ though!

This is so good but I do have a huge problem that prevents me from progressing. I'm in the Biscotti tunnels and every time I exit them, the screen transitions to black and stays like this. I can move the characters around and interact with objects but I can't see anything. The screen is pure black besides the date on the bottom right.

This is truly a very nice and beautiful game and I'd like any help to be able to enjoy it more.

Thank you!

That's weird, I've never heard of such a bug... I might have a workaround for now though. If you hold Left shift + Enter, then press F2, you'll hear a small jingle indicating that debug mode has been activated. The same combination of key will disable it! While in debug mode, press F8 to flash the screen white. This might fix your issue for now. I heavily recommend disabling debug mode once you're done!

Hope this helps. I'll look into fixing!

Thank you for your quick response. Unfortunately this did not help. I did this before entering and exiting the Biscotti and tunnels and after exiting them in the black screen. No matter the case it did not work.  The fact that you haven't heard of this bug might be because there is something wrong with my Laptop or something. Nevertheless, thank you for the response and most importantly the great game you are making!

Aw shoot, I'm really sorry then, I don't know what could be causing this... Though this does give me a few leads at least.
It might be linked to your laptop somehow, but it's still really strange. I'll do more tests on my side!

If that's ok, do you think you could send me your save file at It should be a folder called "BE_Witches___2024_03_01" in in Appdata/Local.


I would like to see the new public version of the game as soon as possible.


Thank you, me too!

I'm doing my best ^^

(1 edit)

can anyone know how to play new version without playing start over ?

If you mean transferring your save from the free version to the Patreon version, I'm sorry, but that's not possible!

(1 edit)

hello its me one of your loyal fans and im back after my depressing birthday but hows it going nose becc? im doin another check up cuz i love this game so much


Sorry to hear about that... But I appreciate you checking in!

Long story short, development is going well. The vast majority of the bugs have been taken care of now at this point. I still need to add some features and rebalance the game though! I'm also in the process of designing more monstergirls, since I need to catch up with the monstergirl polls on Patreon.

I wish you the best! ^^

all things considered the full release sounds promising

Any idea when the final version will be released on steam or itch? 

I'll release a public demo on and Steam first, sometime later this year if everything goes well.

It's harder to say for the final version... I don't have a date in mind, but it'll be another few years of work before it happens.

Sounds good and looking forward to it.

(1 edit)

hi when i try and start the game in the itch app it keep saying there is a fatal error? is it just me?



FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation

ShaderName: shdr_ItemShine

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_obj_Title_Draw_0


(1 edit)

You're probably missing a few drivers, this should fix it:

is this an h game ?

It has monstergirls and boobs, but no sex or nudity!

How to reset your saves?

If you're playing the free version, you'll have to go to the BE_Witches folder in Appdata/Local and manually delete your save there.

The new patreon version lets you do that in the file select screen ^^

does anyone know how to unlock the pyramid sand castle ?

You'll need to drop Spiral from your inventory, and then drag & drop it onto the sandcastle ^^

If you're stuck, you can find a walkthrough here: (for the patreon exclusive demo) (for the old public demo)

(1 edit)

I don’t have the spiral in my inventory

Oops my bad, I meant Spiral sand. It's dropped by Jellies in the new demo and by shape fights in the old one.

Deleted 1 year ago

why demo v5 doesn't have a spiral ?

which new demo ?

Just out of curiosity, have you looked at the page? White text on a black and white background is pretty difficult to read.

Sorry, I'm not sure which page you're referring to!
Don't hesitate to post a screenshot if that helps ^^


NVM, my bad, I forgot I had a filter on to auto darkmode most sites. But it does wonky things to Itch. 눈_눈 Now I look forward to actually being able to read your page and trying your game!


Oh lol no problem, thank you! ^^

horrible time cuz im 2 days late to the party but merry Christmas nose becc and to all who read this

ps. i would buy the patron for Christmas but now economy is high as hell and im going broke so maybe another time but still sorry i could not provide for such a game

Thank you, Merry Christmas to you too! ^^

And no problem of course, I'd rather you don't ruin yourself for my sake. Take care of yourself!


i hope you best of luck for the road ahead and the problems you will face

Not sure what I hate more, the combo shape battles introduced in the forest, or the game thinking it owns my computer and not allowing me to switch to a different tab or move the mouse out of the window

The shapes during normal fights are one of the main features of the game and are here to stay, I'm afraid! Though there is a lot of balance work left to do, for sure.

Does alt+tab not work for you? I just tested it and I have control over everything after tabbing out of the game. If you have more info on this bug, I might be able to fix ^^

Yeah I'm seeing that, I got used to them because the world lore is pretty interesting so my desire to learn more made me adapt lol

I feel so stupid right now. I've been using Win+Tab for so long that I forgot about Alt+Tab being the OG

Aah, I completely forgot about Win+Tab!

Well in any case, I'll unlock the mouse in the "Stop playing" screen. Not a perfect solution, but better than nothing ^^

More than I could ask for! Greatly appreciated!

seems like a fun, promising game but i am having some issues with usability…specifically not being able to tab out during regular game play and not having dedicated volume controls. Did I just miss something?

Opening the inventory and clicking on the "settings" tab will give you access to volume controls ^^

I'm able to tab out of the game without issues with alt+tab, could you explain what happens for you?

I tried that one-maybe it’s my laptop settings. My keyboard is basically locked to only game functions-my settings menu didnt have sfx control when I checked the settings tab in inventory. I’ll check again in case of cranial flatulence.  

Ooh you're probably playing the version! This one is old and didn't have the volume sliders. They've been implemented in the newest one.

Mmh... I don't know what to say about your keyboard being locked though, I can tab out of the game just fine, but it's a bit worrying for sure. I'll take any info you have! If I can understand what's happening, I might be able to fix it in a future build ^^



Not every track has been released yet, but you can find most of them here:

(1 edit)

what BE witches will released on steam nosebecc?

BE Witches will be released on Steam eventually yes! I don't have a release date currently.

Here is the Steam page:


hey im back after a while of work and stuff like that so uh how is the game so far? i have not got to try it if there is any thing new so uh nose becc you see this let me know if the game got updates

im hoping to see this game hit big later on down the road and just intrested

Thank you!

There's been a huge update in October actually! I've been releasing new builds monthly since to fix various bugs and improve all sorts of things.

This is all Patreon only stuff though. I do plan to release one last free public version once more work is done, but that's the gist of it so far ^^

(1 edit) (+1)

your welcome and thank you!

I was also wondering if you are able to get back to sablee at all after leaving it as I missed quite a few power orbs or is there no way to go back and collect what i missed.

You will be able to once you beat the story, yes!
There will be a sign in the final room explaining how to ^^


Thank you, keep up the excellent work.


Though not my cup of tea gameplay wise, really original take on the levelling up systems. The crafting & equipment seem to add a lot of variety as well. Keep it up 👍


is it just me or is it very weird this guy compares B.E. witch to digimon?

Hey, thank you for playing!

I will say that the new demo does a much better job at introducing gameplay elements over time (it's currently Patreon only but will become public eventually).

The one you played... Let's say it was more of a proof of concept than anything.

Thanks again! ^^

Okay, thanks I will have a look. One last question aswell is it possible to transfer saves from previous versions to newer versions?

You won't be able to transfer your save from the demo to the patreon one, there's been way too much change since ^^

(2 edits)

How do I smash the barrels in Biscotti?

Edit: nvm, I guess I forgot to read the sign

(2 edits)

So i cannot for the life of me find the Sand ant honey the walkthrough talks about. I go to the room in the ocean that has the 3 colored puzzles, cyan green and yellow respectively, and when i go in and look in the top right corner of the screen to find the button that spawns the chest there's no button. I feel really stupid lmao

(EDIT) Yeah totally spaced on the fact i could just buy it, feel even dumber now. But for an actual question, will the overworld sprites change in the full version based on rank or is that too much spritework for the current roadmap?

Also if you die in the mushroom tunnels and it spits you out in the plains you can't get back into the city, how does one get back?

The overworld sprites will change based on rank yes! Though I can only guarantee a change at rank 3 and 5 currently since it would be a lot of work.

Sorry about the mushroom tunnels thing, that's a bug I wasn't aware of... I'll make sure to fix this in the next version.
You won't be able to get back inside normally, so for now you'll need to use debug mode to get back inside:
Hold Enter and Left shift, then press F2 and you'll hear a jingle indicating that debug mode has been activated.
Then, press Left control to enable the ability to walk through any door (you'll need to leave and come back to the current room for it to take effect).
I recommend pressing Left control again once you're done to disable that mode, and then doing the same key combo as before to disable debug mode (Hold Enter and Left shift, then press F2).
I also recommend saving in Biscotti so this doesn't happen again!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the reply, I must have been blind because i walked Biscotti top to bottom and never saw the save room, I knew i missed it but didn't wanna walk aimlessly forever trying to get it lmao. Other than that the games fantastic, albeit leveling has been a bit slow for the off party members but thats just something I'll have to deal with :)

(edit) Yeah I saw the red line on the map and thought i couldn't get into the save room, complete mistake on my part lmao.

Thank you so much, I'm glad! ^^
Since there are a lot of characters, I do want to add some way to level up faster in a future version, for sure.

Aah you know what, I didn't consider that the save room being red could be interpreted like that. I might have to make it another color then!

I vote for it being Pink or purple lol

lol I might go purple yeah ^^

(1 edit)

Can anyone tell me if I’m missing something with this smash mushroom minigame in the tunnels?

The timers for the later puzzles feel so insanely restrictive to full clear the puzzle when targets move so erratically and nobody else seems to have an issue with it so I feel like I’m somehow missing a mechanic with the minigame itself. 

I been here for days!

Sorry about that! This minigame has been causing a lot of people that same issue.

I'll be adding a way to autoclick, but I'm also considering extending the timers/slowing down the mushrooms in some patterns.

(1 edit) (+1)

does anyone know why i can't enable debug mode? I'm pressing and holding left shift and enter before pressing f2 on my key board, it could be my key board since my f2 is also my volume decrease button but I'm not sure.

edit: figured it out, apparently my fn lock was on, I didn't even know that was a thing until now.

hey, for those who wanna complet the almanac have your character of chose equip the tea set while they fight, i don't know for sure why but this seems to let the entries go through. my best guess is the almanac runs a second check under different parameters when the tea set is equiped.

Hello, friends, could you help me? I've been there for almost a week, I've already killed all the enemies in the three areas, the outside of the forest, the inside of the forest and under the tree, and I simply can't figure out how to get out of there. could you help me? I'll  thank you a lot

(2 edits)

Can you drop your forest map? Because at full exploration it looks like this. (drew one of the walls as red so it didn't confuse you that you lost some passage right at the start of forest)

(1 edit)

does anyone know if T drops anything other than batteries, I've tride a few times and thats all shes giving me and yet the guide says she does drop something called Flat getas, a traditional Japanese sandle, is it something that only drops in the post game rematches or in her initial boss fight?

edit: finally got if, also consistently got only to items leading up to this save for the one before this drop which gave 3 batteries.

(2 edits)

I don't know if someone have already figured it out and wrote here, but there's alt way to get shards - when one of your witches is sad, click on her multiple times in short time to make her happy and she will give you a bit of shards, and sometimes corresponding drop (Celerea gave me milk and Rose gave me a stick)

I could not figure this out for the life of me, help is appreciated

(1 edit)

i see, thanks. But where was this hint in game? Is it in the dome as well?

also, am i not doing this correctly?

if you use the slam it will show what stars the star you hit will conect to, as for what your doing wrong the bottom right most star conects to the top middle star and the middle star connects to the bottom left most star if memory serves right.

That was close

The hint is located in the dome, but that's an endgame location.

I have a question, for the witches revived, how can I level them up? I can't add them to my team or anything yet.


Team edit is available at Biscotti and Night Domain, there are card-deck like icon near the clock. That's about adding the to the team.

About leveling up. Remember the sigil at Sablee where blue seal were originally located and where you defeated Klehss? Look for the same thing at Biscotti. You can click on it and after meeting certain circumstances (level, amount of power orb, amount of shards) you can level up a witch.

anyone know why certain character cards won't fill out, for some reason the jellyfish pirates card wont say they drop tentacles and spiral sand despite having fought like 20 of em.

Currently items aren't registered, kill count isn't saved, crashes can occur... So yeah the almanach requires quite a bit of fixing still, sorry about that!

How do you get the spiral sand item?

it's a drop from the jelly pirates, you'll Likely have to kill a few of em with 100+ combos to get it.

stuck in biscotti. What am I supposed to do in these locations?

second image green leaf, pull it with the green cursor

How do I fix this? I've tried many ways but it still doesn't work.

Hint: Inventory Trillobite

(1 edit)

I don't understand how they are arranged.



That's what i was talking about.

thank you very much

(2 edits)

So apparently you can use spells during the shape fights, at first I thought that it was because I was in debug mode but it works in normal gameplay too, the blue bar to the left is your "mana" at it has 4 leves, if you press left shift it cycles through the spells and after a couple of second they are cast, each one requiring from 1 to 4 notches of mana, the fist one heals you (I think), the second one gives you a random power up that shoots enemies, the third gives you a trinket after the fight (gives you +0.1% exp multiplier which sounds pretty useless  10% more exp) and the fourth one a stronger power up (I think).

Edit: It gives you a +0.1 exp multiplier, so 10% more xp, not 0.1%, it's actually really useful, I'm just dumb.

The trinket is different in each area. For example, you will get a +30 HP triangle trinket in the forest.

(1 edit)

How do you enter debug mode?

hey, does anyone know of some really well hidden stars in the night dome location ive spent 2 days looking all over the map and i can't find the last star i need for 1000

I found my last ones in that hidden room, I don't remember exactly how to access it but I think it was a hidden lever that was blue so it blended with the background.

i am almost certaint I've gotten that one looking at the area again with a fin tooth comb and i cant see a single lever.

(1 edit)

Behind one of the trees a blue-tipped lever, noticed it myself only after some time.

Edit: added a screenshot.


(2 edits)

Nosebecc. Asking that since i've been flying through cutscenes by F9 in debug for god knows how many times in my savefile - is there a way that this can somehow bug the witch revival? 

Klehss is revivable and playable, i guess Celerea are too, but no matter how much i kill them in their respective fights/fights in the endgame room - i can't get their skeletons.


Yes, both Klehss and Celerea are available. To get Klehss the octopus pirate you currently have to enter Debug mode (Left Shift, Right Enter, F2) and press F12 during the revival cutscene when you first revive her. (then middle-click to restore focus I think). My best guess is to get the Combo meter to 100 before defeating them, then they might be available for revival… unsure. If you feel cheaty or just tired, tapping 1 on the NumPad to the right will give you 10 Combo a tap, and M will insta-kill the opponent.

(1 edit)

"and press F12 during the revival cutscene when you first revive her."

The thing is that i already plot-revived her during the normal playthrough and she isn't available at reviving menu anymore, or you mean during the 33-34 cutscene?

(3 edits)

After I beat the game, for some reason she re-appeared in my list of revivals. Be aware that if you revive her without using the f12 technique you will be reset back to the start of Biscotti… along with all revivals after that storywise getting locked up.

So they have to be released again. oh and also if you don’t use the f12 you won’t get Klehss again, so it’s like double bad.

(3 edits)

Noticed the revive reset. But i think that avoids the girls which are already in your party (?), got my ghost and mushroom girls saved like that.

Eh, even if revive reset means another shard farming for reviving everyone all over again, then that's isn't a big deal with ghost's orbitals attack.

Edit: Fixed almost everything. Just like i said in the first comment, because i was flying through cutscenes aka game progress by F9, my game stuck at 33 cutscene (was too lazy to find the revive back in the day so was using a scripted one). Got back to 43th and now missing skeletons are back. Now i get what you were talking about Klehss and F12.


As Bareon said Klehss can only be unlocked through that process in the current demo. I'll have a new build very soon where this problem is fixed!

Cerelea should be revivable after you finish the story, I'll check and make sure that's the case in this upcoming build!

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